Drabble, drabble, drabble

Dec 26, 2003 17:47

Title: Crazy Nights
Rating: PG
A/N: I don't care if this doesn't precisely answer the challenge. I like it.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Summary: Sue is just silly.

"I'm here!" Rebecca called. She inhaled deeply. "What's that yummy smell?"

"Latkes!" Sue yelled from the kitchen. "I found a recipe one of my Israeli teammates gave me long ago."

"Not your traditional Christmas meal."

"Did you think that menorah over there is a Christmas tradition too?"

"And you converted when?"

"Didn't." Sue came in with two plates. "I figured we always do Christmas-"

"Well, duh."

Sue continued calmly. "And here I have Hanukkah paraphernalia stored for years-"

"Why, I'll never know."

"So we'll be different. Besides, there's one advantage."

"What's that?"

"Eight nights. Not one."

Rebecca got the message.


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