Challenge 88: Hips (south of nowhere)

Oct 18, 2006 23:19

Title: Ignore the Mapquest Directions (They're Always Wrong Anyway)
Prompt: #88 - Hips
Fandom: South of Nowhere
Pairing: Spencer/Ashley
Word count: 250 (!)
A/N: Bringing the South love

Spencer figured that if you could trace a path from Point A to Point B with your finger, you could guess the distance, easy.

So she started on the East Coast at Ashley’s foot, stopping for tolls on the Jersey Turnpike at her ankle. Traveling west on I-70, along her knee in Pennsylvania, she made a pit stop in Ohio. Yep, Ashley’s thigh felt just like home.

Detouring slightly southwest, perhaps near St. Louis, Spencer tickled a bare hip, taking a moment to admire the famous Arch.

She slowly crossed the expansive Great Plains of Ashley’s belly, briefly skinny dipping in a small pond somewhere in Kansas before approaching the Rockies. Mountains were definitely breathtaking natural wonders, so Spencer lingered. And lingered.

Yay, mountains!

Reluctantly, she continued west, impulsively gambling on Ashley’s collarbones in Vegas as California appeared just on the horizon. The 5 skimmed along Ashley’s jawline, before Spencer veered north over a delicate eyebrow in San Francisco.

On Highway 1, Spencer finally pulled over in Big Sur, where fingers met lips, where ocean met land, where the whole world awaited, uncharted and new.

Ashley smiled against those fingers, eyes dancing, “Are we there yet?”

Spencer smirked, fingers already starting to move again, restless, wanderlusting, “I think I forgot something at that rest stop in, um, Indiana? Better go back and check.”

Ashley chuckled, raising both San Francisco and LA, “How many miles to Indiana?”

Warm lips rested against Ashley’s ear and Spencer whispered, breathless and hot, “A million”.

fandom: south of nowhere, challenge88, author: adastranot

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