challenge84 - ring

Sep 20, 2006 14:07

Title: Truth
Author: Infloresence (formerly missmai_chan)
Fandom: Tudor History (I'm such a geek!)
Pairing: Elizabeth I/Queen Mary (OMG Historysisterslash.)
Rating: G
Word count: erm?
Summary: Set in the 1540s after Elizabeth has been banished from the house of her stepmother, Catherine Parr, for supposed misadventures with the former's husband, Thomas Seymour. Her half-sister Mary, who will succeed their brother Edward to the throne, remains living there.

Walking into court that summer was like walking into a bee hive, her letter read. There was a heated buzz in the air that signified the threatening excitement of scandal.

The ring of nobility at court was oozing at the seams with rumour. Thomas and Elizabeth had been caught in a compromising press and Catherine had flown into a rage, beating the young woman about the face and sending her off to convalesce in shame.

Elizabeth dropped the missal to her lap, and rested her head against the sill before reading further. So, Catherine's plan had worked and the body of the courtiers were convinced. With trembling fingers, she resumed at the letter.

I would that you could forget me, dear Elizabeth. There would be naught but poison come of this between us, and were it not only for our Lady Stepmother, with her quickness of action and cunning, we would yet be burnt for the depravity the servants discovered of us. Forget me, sister, and God willing, I shall forget you.



Elizabeth fixed her brow, and drew sharp breaths to calm herself. Tears were for the weak, for lesser girls.

She set to the papers with a taper, removing the last piece of evidence that they had ever loved.

fandom: rpf, challenge84, author: infloresence

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