Title: Shower Time
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Zoe/River
Prompt: 586 - share
Word Count: 100
Rating: Teen
Summary: Zoe & River take a shower together
Zoe set the timer and stepped into the shower, River trailing close behind her.
“I can’t believe we never thought of this before,” River said, working shampoo into Zoe’s hair. When she was done with that, she drifted a washcloth over Zoe’s skin.
“Your turn,” Zoe said, as the water slowly trickled to a halt.
River reached out of the shower and reset the timer for another round. “I thought this would be sexier, being able to share a shower together.”
“I don’t know. Twice the shower time, with a beautiful woman in my arms. Sounds like heaven to me.”