2 Drabble Tag 8 Fills

Oct 22, 2017 21:47

both of these prompts were originally from drabbletag 7.

Title: manicures and movies (and orgasms)
Fandom: Shadowhunters
Pairing: Clary/Isabelle/Lydia
Prompt: girls' night
Rating: T
Warnings: Implied sexual content
Word Count: 250
Summary: "You know, this isn't exactly what I expected when you said that Friday was going to be 'girls' night'."

Title: the weather outside is frightful
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Claudia/Melissa
Prompt: winter
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 250
Summary: It's easy enough to momentarily forget that Beacon Hills is in the firm grasp of winter when there's a steaming hot bath to sink into.

author: doctorkaitlyn, drabbletag8, fandom: shadowhunters, fandom: teen wolf

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