551: Shape - Wonder Woman - Wonder/Etta - The Perfect Shape

Jun 17, 2017 16:21

Title: The Perfect Shape
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Wonder Woman
Character/Pairing: Wonder Woman/Etta
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 551: Shape
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 17 June 2017
Summary: ( Etta just might be the perfect shape. )

challenge551, fandom: dc comics, fandom: dcu, author: katleept

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Comments 2

bella_farfalla June 20 2017, 17:11:55 UTC
YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I shipped them SOOOOO hard in the movie! This was adorable! :D


katleept August 10 2017, 23:55:26 UTC
I'm so glad this worked for you -- and the movie! I haven't seen the movie, and my only real knowledge of Wonder Woman comes from the Justice League cartoon and ONE trade paperback that reprinted the original issues (which is also where my only knowledge of Etta comes from)!


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