Challenge 82 -- Strength

Sep 05, 2006 19:01

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 82 - Strength
Word Count: 160
Rating: PG/R?

I Need More Than This

“Okay, what the hell was that about?”
She looks up from her desk, an eyebrow raised, her mouth quirking.
“What do you think?”
“What do I think?” I spit. “Well, that’s a step up in our relationship. You’ve never asked me what I thought before.”
Strong words.
“You wanna know what I think?” I continue. “I think that you’re mad about Warrick getting married. That’s what I think. I think you come running to me whenever your ego gets bruised and you need someone to prop you up again!”
We glare at each other. Well, that’s nothing new.
I sigh.
“I need more than this, Catherine. It’s not that I don’t enjoy ‘this’, whatever it is that we’ve got, but… I’m getting really tired of being your go-to girl. I need you to make up your mind.” I toss a sheaf of papers onto her desk. “Those are the results from Tox,” I tell her, before I turn and go.


What do you think? :-)

fandom: csi vegas, challenge82, author: amazon_syren

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