Star Wars: Clone Wars, Aayla Secura/Asajj Ventress - A point

Mar 05, 2017 11:03

TITLE: A point
PROMPT: #536, separate
AUTHOR: yuri_onna
FANDOM: Star Wars: Clone Wars
PAIRING: Aayla Secura/Asajj Ventress

Blades of the two red lightsabers shine just an inch from Aayla's neck.

"Now, give me one reason to not separate your head from your neck, Jedi" says Asajj Ventress, as she looks at Jedi face. There's a grim smile on Ventress face. Grevious was always so proud because of the number of Jedi he killed. But something made her hands stop when her lightsabers were about to cut Aayla's neck, like a pair of scissors.

"Well, because it's quite pretty and it won't look as good if being separated from my neck?"

Blast of the force throws Aayla to the wall. Ventress is right close to her, she grabs shocked Twi'lek and to her ultimate surprise, kisses Aayla. Kiss is short yet strong. She releases her victim and looks at her surprised face.

"You have a point, Jedi” says Ventress, as she jumps out and disappears in the darkness.

author: yuri_onna, challenge536, fandom: star wars

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