Challenge 81 ~ School

Sep 04, 2006 21:10

Title: Unfinished
Fandom: House MD/Law & Order:SVU
Pairing: Stacy/Alex
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: Assumes that Stacy and Alex went to law school together. Crossposted to my journal.

She’d told Cuddy that she wanted to be a lawyer from the time she was six until her second week of law school. She’d never finished the story though. She’d never explained that it was during her second week of law school that she met Alexandra Cabot.

Alex, as she liked to be called, always brought her coffee, and her smile made Stacy weak at the knees.

They complemented each other well, the dark and the light, in more ways than one.

So once she met Alex, all Stacy wanted was to lock herself in Alex’s dorm and never leave.

challenge81, crossover, fandom: law & order: svu, author: girlie_girl_23, fandom: house

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