Challenge #80

Aug 28, 2006 21:16

Title: A Simple Touch
Fandom: BSG/Voyager
Characters: Roslin/Janeway
Wordcount: 250
Challenge ~67 touch

OK - not sure what's happened but I seem to be in major fluff mode, which is very scary for me

Captain Janeway hovered at the edge of the party Tom and Neelix had organised. She had done her duty, made the rounds, talked to everyone. Now she was waiting for the opportunity to escape back to her quarters while everyone’s attention was elsewhere.

“Captain Janeway.”

“Madam President, are you enjoying yourself?”

“Very much so. It’s nice to relax after the rather interesting events of the last few weeks.”

Kathryn smiled, Laura Roslin had a very disarming way of understating things. “Has anyone explained the meaning of the celebration to you?”

Laura looked round at the garish, over-the-top decorations of hearts and flower garlands and the ‘love nooks’ as Tom had named them and arched an eyebrow in amusement. “With all due respect, Captain, it’s fairly self explanatory.”

“Point take, Ma..” Kathryn found the title stopped by a finger gently placed on her lips.

“You’re off duty surely, so please call me Laura.”

Kathryn was caught by the intensity of the grey eyes and the warmth of the finger.


“Kathryn.” A slight lilt to Laura’s voice gave her name a seductive tone.

The simple touch on her lips was sending messages to the part of Kathryn she thought long buried under the pressures of the Delta Quadrant. She needed to pull herself together before she did something idiotic and mistook a friendly gesture for something more.

“Please don’t think Kathryn.” And the finger was replaced by a pair of soft, very seductive lips, taking away her ability to think clearly.
Title: Breakfast at Neelix's
Fandom: BSG/Voyager
Characters: Roslin/Janeway
Wordcount: 250
Challenge #72 sugar

Captain Janeway pulled up a chair and joined Chaotay and B’Elanna for breakfast throwing a puzzled look at the table behind them where Tom, Harry and Sam appeared to be studying President Roslin rather intently.

“So, what’s going on?”

Chakotay and B’Elanna both gave her their most innocent looks.

“Going on Captain? Why would you think that something was going on?”

“Let’s see. In the past couple of minutes Tom has peered down her chest twice, one on the pretext of sugaring her tea and once to put syrup on her pancakes. And that’s without Sam and Harry’s attempts.”

Both of them looked guilty as they looked in Roslin’s direction.

“Give!” The Captain gave them her best glare. “And make it the short version Chakotay, no long tales.”

“Jenny Delaney spotted the President leave Neelix’s party allegedly looking rather dishevelled with, I quote ‘a cat that got the cream’ expression, and she thinks she saw a lovebite on her neck.”

“Don’t tell me. He’s checking for evidence for the betting pool. She’s been on Voyager for less than a month and there’s already a pool about her becoming involved. There are times I doubt the sanity of this crew.”

B’Elanna looked accusingly at the Captain. “Now I feel guilty I’d better go rescue her.”

“As you were, Lieutenant. Laura can run rings round your husband and his cohorts any day. They won’t find any evidence.”

“And you know this how Captain?”

“Need to know, Commander.” Said with a wicked smile.

challenge67, crossover, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge72, challenge80, author: selenay_x, fandom: star trek: voyager

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