2 Drabbletag7 Fills | Cougar Town

Jul 14, 2016 02:11

Title: Softie
Prompt: Cougar Town: Ellie/Jules - cuddling
Requested By: madampresident
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Cuddles are nice

Ellie was sitting up in bed, glasses perched on her nose as she read her book.

“There you are!” Jules called, running into the room and jumping on the bed.

Ellie bit back a bemused smile. Jules wrapped an arm around her curmudgeonly best friend, right up. Ellie set the book down and sank further into the embrace.

“This is nice.” Jules grinned.

“It is.” Ellie admitted and leaned up and kissed the tip of Jules’s nose.

“You softie.” Jules smiled.

“You tell anyone and I will kill you.” Ellie whispered, burying her face in Jules’s hair with a smile.


Title: Vanity
Prompt: Cougar Town: Ellie/Jules - Jules' bathroom
Requested By: salmon_pink
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sometimes it’s hard to get alone time

Jules hoists herself up to sit on the vanity in her bathroom and Ellie’s hands gently push open Jules’s legs, pressing herself between her thighs. Jules wraps her arms around her best friend, pulling her tight. Ellie’s hands glide along Jules’s skin underneath her t-shirt.

Lips meet tentatively at first but soon the kisses are deep and urgent. Ellie’s hands come around to the front; Jules pushes her breasts into soft, feminine hands.

“Hey, J-Bird?”

They separate quickly and Jules yells, “what, Bobby?” trying to keep the desperation out of her voice.

“Can we use the grill?”

“I don’t care!”

author: madampresident, fandom: cougar town, drabbletag7

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