1 Drabbletag7 Fill | Criminal Minds

Jul 14, 2016 01:44

Title: Cunning Linguist
Prompt: Criminal Minds: Alex/Garcia - flirting
Requested By: masfawkes
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Garcia flirts with Blake

“Well, hello, my dear cunning linguist.” Garcia purred into the phone upon seeing Blake’s name on the caller ID.

Blake blushed bright red, receiving the Garcia treatment usually reserved for Derek Morgan.

“Hello, web mistress.” Blake returned, closing her eyes and wishing she’d thought of something smoother.

Garcia grinned. “What can I do for you, sugar?”

Blake continued to blush, recalling the previous night’s desperate and frenzied makeout session in the bathroom of the bar while the whole team drank just outside. Blake was quite sure there were a lot of things that Miss Penelope Garcia could do for her.

author: madampresident, drabbletag7, fandom: criminal minds

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