mirror, sugar

Aug 21, 2006 20:21

Title: Impressions
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica/Voyager Crossover
Pairing: Janeway/Roslin
Rating: PG (just to be safe)
Challenge: Mirror
Word count: 100
Summary: Janeway meets someone not quite unlike herself.

Janeway hoped that time would stretch: the civilian in her, sewn together by threads of conscience; the soldier abated by those eyes.

The woman beside her was an image of deep yearning: etched by faith, wrought by belief. Likely to be misunderstood amidst the grays of morality. Softened and at the same time dignified by shadows of a former profession.

A reflection of her.

“Kathryn, tell me about your home,” she said, touching Janeway’s face as though sampling the fruits of Earth, picking on ripe memories with her fingers.

Fingers not unlike Janeway’s own, calloused by those under their guardianship.


Title: Contemplation
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica/Voyager Crossover
Pairing: Janeway/Roslin
Rating: G
Challenge: Sugar
Word count: 100
Summary: Roslin contemplates on what to do about a certain captain.

You could meet her gaze and remember your own age. But hers is partnered with wonder so childlike that the crinkles of her smile are drawn by enthusiasm, not years.

A locus of contradictions, an interminable sweetness: pleasant yet at the same time, unbearable.

Because you feel the cancer invading your gut, foreign yet singularly yours. You wonder if their technology could be bought at a price: Thrace’s loyalty? Your sanity?

A thought intervenes: would you deserve it?

Your ideas keel under her gaze and you touch her face, as though to remember your own infancy, when all was good.

crossover, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge79, challenge72, author: frogfrizz, challenge80, fandom: star trek: voyager

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