
Aug 19, 2006 22:52

Title: Sisters
Fandom: House MD/West Wing
Pairing: Cuddy/Laurie
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Challenge: 12 - Boys
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal.

Cuddy felt her stomach drop as she heard the familiar sound of House’s cane coming closer to where she was sitting with Laurie.

‘Oh god, please don’t let him see me’.

Laurie noticed the panicked look on her face and grabbed her hand. “Lisa, what’s wrong?”

“Well, if it isn’t the esteemed Dr. Cuddy. And who is this?” House was just getting a good look, and Cuddy watched his mouth fall open as he took in Laurie.

Laurie’s eyes went over the tall man and she smiled before biting her lip. “Hi. You must be House. Lisa’s told me all about you.” House looked pleased. Laurie extended her free hand to him. “I’m Lisa’s sister.”

Cuddy and House’s eyes widened at the lie. Then a wicked smile came over his face. “What are you, twins?”

Laurie snickered and Lisa knew she’d had a little pot before their dinner date. “Exactly.”

House just continued to leer at them. Before he could make the comment Cuddy knew was on the tip of his tongue, Laurie stood up, still holding Lisa’s hand across the table. “So House, you wanna double your pleasure and double your fun tonight or what?”

House grinned. Cuddy choked.

Title: We're Close
Fandom: House MD/West Wing
Pairing: Cuddy/Laurie
Rating: R
Word count: 200
Challenge: 42 - Old
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal. Follows Sisters.

Cuddy had been against this from the beginning. She’d told Laurie so on the ride to her place, watching House in the rearview mirror. But Laurie was a little wasted and quite excited by the idea, so she allowed it.

Now, as she watched House slipping his hands under Laurie’s shirt to slowly knead her breasts, she felt like a voyeur. But at the same time, it thrilled her, seeing his sleek hands running over breasts so similar to her own. She felt herself getting wet at the thought.

They weren’t sisters. He had to know that. Right?

House looked back at her with a wicked smirk before sliding his hands down and under the hem of Laurie’s skirt.


At that point she could take it no longer and she shoved House out of the way, grabbing Laurie and kissing her roughly, edging her back against the wall.

House stumbled but managed to steady himself on the bedpost and caught Laurie’s eye with a grin. “She likes it rough.”

Laurie giggled and bit down onto her shoulder. “I know.”

The look on House’s face was almost as satisfying as the orgasm that rocked through her a few minutes later.

Title: Destroyed
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Cameron/Stacy
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Challenge: 76 - Force
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal.

“He’ll destroy you, you know.” Stacy said, looking at Cameron.

She was still so young, naïve, and idealistic. Even after marrying a dying man. But House would change all that. He’d done it with her, he would do it with Cameron.

“He’ll destroy you.” She murmured as she pushed Cameron back into the wall, grasping her wrists and holding them above her head.

Later, after Stacy was gone, Cameron was left staring at the bruises on her forearms. Her back was red with scratches from Stacy’s fingernails.

“No.” She said to the empty room. “House won’t destroy me. You will.”

Title: Bruises and Scars
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Cameron/Stacy
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Challenge: 38 - Scars
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal. Follows Destroyed.

Cameron was putting on her coat to leave when someone grabbed her wrist. She spun around in the dark conference room, ready to scream, when she saw who held her wrist.

He was staring at the bruises on her arm.

Oh god, he knows. What do I say? How do I -

“I know those marks.” He smiled mirthlessly, releasing her wrist. “Be careful, or they’ll turn into scars.” And with that he was gone, just as quickly as he’d come.

She looked at her arms. “They already are.” She said to the empty room, then left, in search of Stacy.

Title: Alive
Fandom: House MD/Law & Order:SVU
Pairing: Stacy/Alex
Rating: PG
Word count: 125
Challenge: 52 - Old
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal. Slight spoilers for SVU with Alex's storyline. But if this spoils you, you are majorly behind.

“Alex?” The mention of her old name caught her by surprise and she turned out of habit before she could stop herself.

The dark haired woman she came face to face with was a ghost from a lifetime ago.


She shook her head. “No. You must be mistaken. I’m Emily.”

She tried to keep walking, she couldn’t let her guard down further. But suddenly Stacy was grasping her hand, stirring up old feelings and memories that she thought had died along with her former self. “Alex, I thought you were - ”

“I’m not Alex.” She protested.

“Dead.” The word rang between them.

Their eyes locked. “She is.”

“No.” Stacy shook her head, kissing her, just like in law school lifetimes ago.



Title: Double-Take
Fandom: West Wing
Pairing: Donna/Ainsley
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Challenge: 79 - Mirror
Author's Note: Crossposted to my journal. Slight spoilers for season two.

Ainsley had shrugged it off when Donna said they looked alike. They were both about the same height and build. They were both blonde. It was possible, if you glanced at them quickly, to mistake them for each other.

But it wasn’t like when Ainsley looked in the mirror, she saw Donna.

Except that lately, that was exactly what it was like. (And not just because they usually had to share a mirror while hurriedly getting ready in the morning.)

Because Ainsley caught herself doing a double-take as she passed by a mirror, seeing Donna’s lipstick smeared across her lips.

challenge38, crossover, challenge79, challenge12, fandom: law & order: svu, author: girlie_girl_23, challenge76, challenge42, challenge52, fandom: the west wing, challenge80, fandom: house

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