Remainders, control, alcohol, sugar, salt, force, surrender

Aug 15, 2006 23:24

(I swear, this is it for the night)
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran
Rating: 18+
Challenge: remainder, 'sugar'
Word count: 200

The energy is frantic, and Sam has a millisecond to stop Vala, to say, "Wait." before the woman breaks her bra to get it off. Then the transfer of energy is to her, and she's arching and gasping because Vala's hands and fingers and mouth are on her skin.

"Please." she says.

Vala's reply is to stop, to smirk, then to push her against the wall and tug at the belt around her waist.

Fingers, again, and Sam hears a sound coming from her mouth that hasn't been uttered in a very long time. Her head goes back and she moans.

Vala's mouth is back on her breasts, one then the other, and the energy is hers again. The franticness pushes Sam too quick, too fast, and she nearly breaks a finger when the orgasm smashes through her and she smacks her hand into the wall.

It's an effort to stay standing, to force out more than a breath. "God."

"Not a God."

Teeth nip her skin, and she moans. "No more sugar for you."

Vala' licks a line from one breast to the other. "Like sugar."

The energy snaps back to Sam, and she moves, kissing Vala. Her turn.

Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Vala/Six
Rating: 18+
Challenge: remainder, salt, surrender, control, alcohol
word count: 100
Notes: karma_aster gave me the prompt for the following...

The blonde isn't Vala's usual style. She's all classical looks and cold eyes. But her skin tastes like salt, and she comes just as hard as the next woman.

Vala finds her own expertise turned back on herself, and can't help using the Tau'ri term when she recovers, "God."

"God loves us all," the blonde replies, almost automatic.

"So I've heard," says Vala. She walks her fingers down the woman's side. "You're not bad. Again?"


She goes slower, this time, and Vala briefly wonders if she can make enough money off this night. Then she's not thinking at all.

Challenge: remainder, control

Vala woke up alone and didn't care, but she woke up broke, which pissed her off. "Of all the ungrateful..."

Picking up her clothes uncovered nothing she could use as currency, and she continued her cursing right until she was out in the sunlight. Then the bright light stole her ability to breathe for a moment.

"You're up early."

Controlling her reaction, Vala pasted a smile on her face and turned, "Yes, well, I like to get an early start. Worms and all that."

"I bought breakfast." The blonde doesn't smile, though she might be wistful.

"Breakfast... Breakfast sounds good."

Challenge: remainder, surrender

She should have got while she had the chance. Vala kept her smile on while the woman talked and talked. About God, about how one should surrender to destiny. Or let destiny have its place in life. She seemed rather confused on those subjects.

Vala interrupted, "That's all well and good, but most Gods are false."

"You're correct." The blonde woman beamed a brilliant smile at her, "I knew you would understand."

There wasn't space to bang her head on the table, so Vala just propped her chin on her hand and tried not to look bored while counting credits.

Challenge: remainder, alcohol

Why hadn't she thought of this sooner? Vala smiled happily as the blonde listed sideways, Vala's suggested mid-morning bottle of alcohol having the correct effect. "Comfortable, dear?"

"Yes." Her eyes fluttered, then she giggled, "I'm number Six. God made me in the image--" she laughed.

Keep laughing, Vala directed, fingers busy with the wallet the woman had dropped. "Number Six. That sounds--"

"Pathetic. Like all humans. Only Gaius..."

Looking up, Vala found the woman almost crying. "Look, it's not--"

"Get. Out."

Money in hand, Vala complied.

"And don't come back."

No sooner said than done. She'd count her booty later.

Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Sam Carter/Kara Thrace
Challenge: remainder, 'force'
rating: 18ish
Word count: 200

The first time Sam Carter meets Kara Thrace, she has to force herself not to be jealous of the woman. It doesn't help that Thrace is on the right side of the bars.

It also doesn't help that the lieutenant is mocking, flirtatious and derisive in turns. Accusing Sam of everything she can think of and ignoring Sam's repeated requests to see her commander, her team, or to contact her own government.

By the time the mixup is figured out and she's released, she figures she really loathes Thrace.

To the point that it's kind of a surprise when she presses her against a viper (new ship design, and she gets wet thinking about the engineering behind that--or maybe it's Thrace's insolent perusal, so unlike the men she's known) and kisses her. The anger helps.

Thrace's hand on her ass helps, too.

Unfortunately, their Chief of the deck has a problem with sex against his planes and kicks them out until they behave.

In a disused tool room, Sam discovers that she can behave very badly.

The interlude doesn't go on her report, and Dr. Lam gives the scratches and bite-marks a raised eyebrow, but neglects to ask.

crossover, author: lyssie, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge72, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge76, challenge74, challenge78, challenge77, challenge80, challenge73

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