80 -- Remainders (Discworld)!

Aug 15, 2006 22:02

Non-CSI Fic. At last. ;-)

Fandom: Discwolrd (MR)
Pairing: Alice/Anagovia
Challenge: 4 - Secrets
Word Count: 223
Rating: R

Under My Skin

Alice has a secret.
She has, of course, many secrets, lined in scars on her toast-rack body, but the biggest one is inside her.
She talks to the Duchess - she doesn’t hide that. There’s no shame in that, at all.
Usually, the Duchess comes to her looking like she does in her pictures: An eighty-year-old woman with a sad, sad smile. She talks to Alice in the Safest Place - the place where no-one can follow - or she lays her head in Alice’s lap and she cries. There’s nothing secret about that.
No. The secret is this. Once, only once, Anagovia came to her as a girl her own age.
“This is what I was before I became the Little Mother,” she explained. “This is who I really am. Not the Duchess, just Anagovia. Just Anna.”
Anna had held out her hand and they had gone to the Safest Place, and Anna had kissed Alice. Kissed her and touched her, so soft and sweet and gentle. When she’d come back to her body, she’d been sure it hadn’t been real, that she’d committed a very bad sin in her dreams.
But no.
When the Duchess came back to her - as the Duchess, again, not as Anna - she had said, “I just wanted you to understand… Sometimes it can be nice.”
That’s the secret.


Fandom: Discwolrd (MR)
Pairing: Polly/Mal
Challenge: 8 -- Regret
Word Count: 149
Rating: G

Do I Matter At All?

Well, here I am again. Pining.
This is hardly a very vampire thing to do.
Other people are supposed to pine for us, preferably while standing on a balcony or next to an open window with suitably billowing curtains.
But no.
Maladict has to go all weepy-eyed over a human.
My mother would be disgusted...
Of course, if I’m honest with myself, that’s actually not a bad incentive to keep doing it.
But still.

Maybe I shouldn’t have told her that I’m a girl.
I mean, technically, I told Jade, too, but… What does Jade care?
Polly would care, though. One way or the other, it had to have mattered, even if she didn’t act like it did. (Is that why I’m regretting this? Because she didn’t go all ‘Oh My Gods, You’re What???’ at me?) It had to have meant something to her, didn’t it?
Didn’t I?

Fandom: Discwolrd (Thud)
Pairing: Sally/Angua
Challenge: 12 - Boys
Word Count: 139
Rating: R

Mine/not Mine

Am I crazy for wanting her to myself? This woman who goes wolfy every night and who drools as much as I do at the smell of blood, this woman who is dating my co-worker for gods’ sake… I must be out of my mind!
And yet… The things she can do with her tongue… I think about her mouth, and the way she teases me when we’re together, and it’s all I can do to keep myself from Persuading everyone else that they’re urgently needed in the canteen, just so that I can screw her on her own desk.
Her talents are wasted on Carrot, of that I’m sure.
I know I don’t have a chance of taking his place. I knew that from the beginning.
But… That doesn’t stop me wanting her. Not even a little bit.

Fandom: Discwolrd (Thud)
Pairing: Sally/Angua, Angua/Carrot
Challenge: 10 - Selfish
Word Count: 160
Rating: NC17


I don’t know what to do.
I love Carrot, I know that, and it’s not that he doesn’t turn me on, it’s just… He’d never want me to call him master, even though a little part of me always does. He’d never slip into any alley with me while we’re on patrol, or take me from behind - let alone squeeze my nipples or tease my clit at the same time. God, I wish he would!
With Sally… the way she grips my hair and demands to be serviced, and then lets me reduce her to quivering, moaning, pleading need...
I’d like to have them both. I’d like to watch him watch us, see him blush to the roots of his hair even as he got hard watching her make me come.
I’d like to burry my face between her legs, and make her beg for release, even as he was driving into me.
I want them both.
Is that selfish?


What do you think? :-)

fandom: discworld, challenge8, challenge10, author: amazon_syren, challenge80, challenge12, challenge4

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