80 -- Remainders (Again).

Aug 15, 2006 21:58

More Andie-related stuff.

Lab Partners

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 75 - Cigarettes
Word Count: 227
Rating: G

First Impressions

I met Andie when I was a sophomore in college. She was in my biology class. We got assigned lab-partners alphabetically and Sims and Sidle happened to get paired up.
The first thing I noticed about her was her height.
It was so weird to have to look up at someone. I hadn’t had to do that since junior high. It felt strange to be doing it again.
She cut her hair short - boy-band hair, she called it, all floppy but all cut above her ears - and she wore men’s cargo pants and t-shirts.
I wondered if she was gay.
The second thing I noticed was her smell: cinnamon and cloves - lots of cloves - and tobacco. Clove cigarettes, it turned out. She kept them in one of the pockets of her pants and fished them out after class.
“You smoke?” she asked, offering the pack to me.
I took one, even though I quit a year and a half ago. Sometimes I still smoke. Just socially, though.
We sat on a bench. She sat like a boy - taking up as much space as possible. That always pissed me off, the way guys did that, like they had a right to everything. Watching Andie, though, the way she sat like she owned the world, blowing smoke at the sky... I couldn’t help but find it a little appealing.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 69 - Texture
Word Count: 245
Rating: G/PG13

Air Quality

I met her for coffee during exam week. We were going to study for ostiology - and we did. Total science nerds. But I had a hell of a time concentrating.
I kept wondering what her body felt like under those clothes. Did she shave her legs? Did she work out?
“Earth to Sara?”
I blinked.
“God. Sorry.”
“Someone’s preoccupied.”
“Yeah,” I respond. “You… probably don’t wanna know.”
She raised an eyebrow at me, but shrugged.
“Okay.” She turned back to the books open in front of us, running a calloused finger down one of the tables. “Name the five bones of the ear.”
“Are you gay?” I blurted out the question before I could stop myself.
She blinked.
“You know,” she said quietly, “everyone always assumes that-”
“I’m sorry,” I said, backing off. God, I’m an idiot. “I shouldn’t have said-”
“And they’re right.”
She looked at me, with a smirk, and it dawns on me what she’d said.
“You!” I swatted her shoulder. “Don’t do that to me!”
She chuckled. “I do that to everybody,” she said. “So? Your turn.” She looked at me expectantly.
“My turn?”
“Are you gay?”
The way she says it stops my breath. Like there was a change in the air, and everything felt different all of a sudden.
“You could say that.”
Her eyes flitted over me in a way that was almost disconcerting.
“You wanna get outta here?”
I breathed out, nodded my head.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 66 - Taste
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG13

Wildberry Coolers

We went back to her dorm.
Posters of Bikini Kill and Joan Jett and 4 Non Blondes lined the walls. There were tonnes of candles on the window sill, and little black statues of people with animal heads.
“What are those?” I asked, pointing.
“Bubastet and Anubis. Egyptian gods.” She rummaged in her bar-fridge. “You want a drink?”
“Okay.” I was still looking around the room. There was a pride flag on the back of the door, and she had The Book of Goddesses and Heroines on her shelf next to Forensics Monthly and Scientific American.
“Jesus...” I breathed. “How many back-issues do you have?”
She nudged me with a cold bottle - vodka coolers.
“About three years worth, all together,” she said.
“Did you see the story about the slime mould?”
“Yeah! Two words: Mind. Fuck.”
She took a long drink from her bottle, and all I could think was, She’ll taste like wildberries…
I was starting to stare.
“I should go,” I said, decisively.
“No, don’t! - Um… I mean,” she sat down on her bed, “Uh. I mean go, if you want to, but… if you’d like to stay…” she smoothed the quilt beside her, and looked at me hopefully. “…I’d like that.”
“…You could say that.”
I sat down beside her, putting my bottle on the floor. Our knees were touching. I smiled, quick and uncertain, but still a smile.
“…I’d like that.”
Her hand found my hand, and I shivered. I’d like that a lot.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 22 - Kisses
Word Count: 141
Rating: PG.

More Than a Year

Oh, god… There’s not much else I can think right now, straddling her, my mouth moving hungrily on hers. Andie tastes just like I thought she would: like smoke and cloves and the coolers we’ve been drinking.
Her hand is slowly finding its way up my thigh, and I am gasping and squirming from the tingles she’s giving me just by doing that, just by stroking my leg from knee to hip.
Ohgodkeepgoing! my hips move, involuntarily.
It’s her hand on my leg, but it’s my hand that slips under her cotton t-shirt and slides up to find her breast - no bra! - my fingers teasing her nipple to hardness.
She groans into my mouth and I pull her closer.
It’s been over a year since I got any from anyone, male or female, and god-damn, I don’t want this to stop!


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 51 - Lust
Word Count: 249
Rating: NC17

Round One

She pulls my shirt of over my head and runs her tongue all the way from my sternum to my jaw, her fingers already fumbling with the clasp of my bra.
I pull her mouth back to mine, press myself closer against her body. She slides her hands up to cup my breast and I whimper - me! - and bite my lip.
“God, I want you!” I fumble with her belt.
“Good!” her voice, her breath, urgent against my skin. She throws herself back on her bed, pulling me down on top of her. More! She unzips my jeans and slides her hand inside, stroking me through my drenched underwear.
Fuck! I grind against her. God, I want to come!
“Take these off,” she murmurs, shifting on the bed, her hands on my hips. I struggle out of my clothes and she lowers me over her, and I spread my legs wider. I can feel her breath hot on my cunt. At the touch of her tongue, firm and moist, I groan. Oh, god, she’s good at this!
She is good at this. Lapping and sucking, it doesn’t take long for her to turn the flutters in my stomach into waves, not long for my breath to deepen, for the waves to start breaking over me.
When I tumble over the edge of my climax, I have to bite her pillow to muffle the sounds I make. Finally, panting, I come down again.
She nibbles my thigh.
“My turn now?”


author: amazon_syren, challenge51, challenge66, challenge75, challenge69, challenge22, fandom: csi vegas, challenge80

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