Challenge #76 Force

Jul 23, 2006 19:14

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters: Six
Spoilers: Speculation for S3
Wordcount 200
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just playing with them
Unbetad - mistakes mine

Title: Decision

Six watched in exasperation as Caprica Six looked deeply into Baltar’s eyes. It was disgusting, the man was a snivelling, pathetic excuse for a sentient being. Whatever possessed one of her designation to fall for such a creature?

God’s desire for them to love and embrace humanity was forcing her and others to live on this cold, wet mudball and watch some of her fellow Cylons make fools of themselves.

And these personas that the designations known as Caprica Six, Sharon had developed. She didn’t like it. Didn’t like the arrogance of their belief of superiority because they had or still loved humans.  And claming it was God’s will they should love.

Maybe what had turned them into mewling excuses for a Cylon was the quality of the people they sought. Perhaps she should explore God’s will by exploring a relationship with a human. Which lead to the question of which human?

Caprica Six and Sharon had both loved a man and neither seemed to have changed for the better. Leoban was obsessed by the Kara creature and he was little changed. Well that narrowed the candidates considerably.

Female, intelligent, strong willed. There really was only one choice. Laura Roslin.

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters: Six/Roslin
Spoilers: Speculation for S3
Wordcount 200
Rating: NC13 (inference)
Wordcount: 250
Title: Choice

Laura looked over her shoulder again. It was there again. The blond Cylon; one of the Sixes. So far every time she’d ventured outside it was there, watching her. It was becoming disturbing. She’d only just recovered from her last ‘visit’ with the Cylons and would prefer not to repeat the experience again quite so soon. Not that she had a choice apart from enduring.

She returned to the tent she shared with Maya and Isis. It had only taken one look at her face for Maya to realise something was wrong.

“What’s happened?”


“Don’t lie. You don’t look like afraid for no reason. Something...” Maya’s voice trailed off as Six entered with no announcement. Usually they made the pretence of following human etiquette and requested permission to enter. At least it wasn’t accompanied by any of the metal Cylons.

Seeing the look of fear on Maya’s face, Laura stepped in front of her.

“Can I help you?” It wasn’t the response she really wanted to give, but given the lack of airlocks it was the safest option.

“Actually you can.” Six smiled the dangerous, seductive smile Roslin had seen Caprica Six use on Baltar. Oh frak. A new tactic. “You will join me for a meal.”

“Gods no.” The words slipped out before she had a chance to temper them.

“Oh I don’t think you mean that. You wouldn’t want Maya to find herself in detention, would you?

Laura bowed her head shielding her eyes. No choice again.

fandom: battlestar galactica, author: selenay_x, challenge76

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