Title: Need Some Incentive, Miss Swan? Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Regina/Emma Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 250 A/N: Written for femslash100's Drabble Cycle "Kinks" - restrained. Just that little bit cracky!
(He could rush away at some point and return to where they are with a laptop and Regina will notice and be like "well, what are you doing, young man?" and he'll be like "i'm the writer, right? well i'm getting the feeling i'm no longer living in a fairytale" and moms together: "excuse me?" and henry: I AM LIVING IN A SITCOM AND I AM LOOKING UP HOW TO WRITE A SCREENPLAY BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I MISSED SOME DETAILS HERE *cue rolling eyes* *emma scoffing saying "sitcom, dear god" under her breath* *awkward moment of silence except for henry typing with that "I TOLD YOU MOMS" smirk of his* *bickering starts up again*)
Comments 13
(He could rush away at some point and return to where they are with a laptop and Regina will notice and be like "well, what are you doing, young man?" and he'll be like "i'm the writer, right? well i'm getting the feeling i'm no longer living in a fairytale" and moms together: "excuse me?" and henry: I AM LIVING IN A SITCOM AND I AM LOOKING UP HOW TO WRITE A SCREENPLAY BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I MISSED SOME DETAILS HERE *cue rolling eyes* *emma scoffing saying "sitcom, dear god" under her breath* *awkward moment of silence except for henry typing with that "I TOLD YOU MOMS" smirk of his* *bickering starts up again*)
I'm so here for this...
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