Title: Need Some Incentive, Miss Swan?
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Regina/Emma
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 250
A/N: Written for
femslash100's Drabble Cycle "Kinks" - restrained. Just that little bit cracky!
‘Come on, Regina. Can’t we take a break?’
‘You mean it wasn’t you begging me to teach you how to teleport?’ asked Regina. ‘I must have been dreaming this morning.’
Emma strained against her harness, ‘This blows! How is tying me up like a dog going to help me learn how to teleport?’
Regina raised a brow at Emma’s wording, but she did have to admit that she had modelled the harness off the one in the pet store (Henry had wanted to buy treats to give to Pongo).
‘I know you Miss Swan. I know you can do this. All you need to do is visualise where you want to be. And you have to want it with every fibre of your being,’ explained Regina.
Emma closed her eyes again and tried to imagine herself out of the harness and in front of Regina. She gritted her teeth but nothing happened.
‘Need some incentive, Miss Swan?’
Emma opened up her eyes and could not quite believe that right in front of her was Regina sitting on a chair with her legs spread wide open, two fingers swirling around her labia.
‘Uh… Regina?’
‘Ohh, I’m just sooooo wet for you,’ moaned Regina, clearly using a cheesy porno voice but it did it for Emma anyway. ‘I need you inside me now, Emma!’
Regina couldn’t help but laugh triumphantly as a burst of light filled the room, leaving an empty harness. Emma poofed into existence, landing tongue first against Regina’s clit.