#9 - Discovery, MCU, Darcy/Jane

Jan 03, 2015 15:50

Title: Sex Is Also Acceptable
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: #9 - Discovery (Challenge #440)
Fandom: MCU, Thor
Pairings: Darcy/Jane
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 142


Darcy kept on snoring.


She was totally, deeply, asleep.

"Darcy!" Jane shook the sleeping woman harder.

"This better be something super-important," Darcy groaned without opening her eyes. "World ending crazy space monsters important." Her eyes opened just a little. "Or sex. Sex is also acceptable."

"I did it," Jane was practically jittering with excitement. "I made the breakthrough, I finally figured out..."

Darcy tuned out the techno-blah. Jane was speaking at a bazilion miles per hour and she was so nowhere near awake enough to even pretend to understand. She glanced at the clock. "Holy fuckballs Jane it's 3am!"

"Oh," Jane made an 'oops' face. She'd been so caught up in her discovery the time hadn't entered her thoughts.

"Okay," Darcy threw off the duvet, exposing her nakedness. "New discovery celebration sex will make it all good."

Jane laughed and quickly started undressing.

author: swan_secrets, challenge9, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, fandom: thor (2011), challenge440

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