Drabbletag5, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Lady Heather/Catherine, wax

Dec 24, 2014 16:06

Title: Heat Rush
Author: Temari778
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Lady Heather/Catherine
Rating: R
Word Count: 177
Prompt: Wax
Summary: A delicate game of wax.

The hot wax is dropped onto her bare skin on her back, reddening it beneath it, blistering, hardening.

Catherine, arches her back up only slightly, an improvement over nearly jumping off the table several minutes ago. She gasps, winces a little, before relaxing her muscles.

Let the pain take its course, Lady Heather had said, Don't give into it and control your body and emotions. That is how you beat it.

Lady Heather strokes her shoulder blade with dark, manicured nails; Catherine wonders if she's still holding the candle.

Regardless, she sighs into her touch, feeling how one lone finger trails down to the patch of skin she's just marked. Catherine swallows.

"Still tender there, aren't we?" Lady Heather asks, her voice like rich velvet.

Catherine adjusts her head, trying to look at her out of the corner of her eye. "You might say that."

"But, are you?"

"Of course."

"Good." Catherine can hear the smile in her voice as she brings the candle close to her skin once more, the heat making her whole body prickle.

author: temari778, fandom: csi vegas, drabbletag5

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