challenge 64 (hearing) - Cristina/Addison

Apr 21, 2006 13:26

Title: A Helping Hand
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Cristina/Addison
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 250
Challenge: #64 hearing

It's been so freaking long and Meredith still hasn't gotten over it, and Cristina just doesn't think she can stand to hear one more word about the whole stupid mess.

Meredith is her friend, though - she can't just tell her to shut up. No, more creative measures are called for.

Cristina is more than willing to take matters into her own hands - would've done it sooner, too, if not for the whole 'committed relationship' thing. Now, though, she and Burke are over - so very, very over - and so she's free to help her friend with this little problem.

This little problem which goes by the name of Addison Shepherd.


'Don't worry,' she tells Meredith one day, 'I'll take care of her for you.'

And by the end of her shift Cristina's lured Addison into a supply room. She's got her tongue in Addison's mouth and her hand down the front of Addison's panties, and she's discovering that Addison cries like a baby when she comes.

Cristina is a woman who gets results.

So it isn't long after that and Addison's walking up to Meredith and McDreamy, predictably having one of their aren't-we-just-so-platonic-only-not conversations. She's laying a hand on Meredith's shoulder and saying, 'He's all yours.'


After all, it's not like Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd-soon-to-be-just-Montgomery-again is the first attending Cristina's had her wicked way with whenever she damn well feels like it. And it just so happens she feels like it a lot. All over the place.

And Cristina doesn't share.

fandom: grey's anatomy, challenge64, author: ijemanja

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