challenge 60 (remainder) - new

Mar 22, 2006 19:54

Title: Surprises
Author: Missmai_chan
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Roslin
Rating: General
Word Count:
A/N: This is just for fun, really.
Summary: Roslin has just recovered from her illness, and the ever faithful Starbuck answers a late night call to the re-energised President's suite. Little does she know that its a booty call...

Starbuck felt warmth whip across her cheeks as she stepped from the hatch. She chuckled, because for a moment, she'd thought it was wind. You're a jackass Thrace, she told herself. They don't have blustering southerlies in deep space.

She approached the entry to the President's suite and called for Billy but there was no answer. Huh. Making time with Dee while the President works? She bet the President couldn't imagine Billy making time with anyone. Always the fresh-faced kids that surprise you.

Through the curtain, she saw Roslin at her desk - peering at papers. She cleared her throat, and Roslin smiled warmly, gesturing her in.

"Stand at ease, Kara, and remove your side-arm." An odd request, but she obeyed. Roslin's dark, normally unbound hair was tied back, exposing her pale neck to advantage. I shouldn't be thinking about the President's pale neck, though. Thrace...quit being a jackass. She hoped the heat she felt in her cheeks wasn't visible.

Roslin paced in front of Starbuck for a few moments, and then stopped. She inhaled sharply, awkwardly moving closer to the pilot.

"I'm not going to mince words, Captain, as I know you're a woman of action. This will have to suffice."

Roslin walked forward, removed her glasses, and kissed her. Surprised, Starbuck leaned away. But the President's mouth was insistent, and she figured that now wasn't the best time to disobey orders.

It wasn't very tempting, either.


challenge60, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge53, author: missmai_chan

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