Title: Through the wilderness (for Challenge #53: New)
Author: Angie
Girlie StuffFandom: Firefly
Pairing: Kaylee/Inara
Rating: R
Word count: 100
A/N: So I was listening to Madonna and this happened. I did resist calling it 'Shiny and new'. Because I thought that would be going just too far.
Your hands graze my skin and I am alive. I’ve been touched by hundreds, thousands, never like this. Your lips are soft on my ear; your words make me cry. Our mouths meet and I want stop time, to freeze this perfection. For so long my head has ruled me, you found a way to my heart. Your hand moves again, down, down, inside. A cry escapes my throat unbidden; I can’t remember that ever happening. As my muscles clench and shudder, I surrender my soul to you in a sweet kiss.
You make it feel like the first time.