I like the way you fill my head with these unconcious thoughts..

Oct 07, 2003 02:22

how do you get someone out of your head? He's been in there for a while and I just can't shake the thought of him. It's so weird. it's so alien. It's an old feeling that has come back to haunt me.

i was at church the other day standing in the parish lobby and this tapistry that said "be not afraid" kept hitting my hair, and I turned around to look at it. It was like a sign, but I didn't know which way to take it.

If my life was a novel the theme would be man vs. fear.

i openly wanted this. i have asked for this all along.Now comes the hard part. I dont know if i can take the rejection that may come, hell i don't know if i'll ever talk to the guy. the first step is always harder then it gets progressive easier, right?

I tell myself when i wake up, today will be differnt. today will be the day that counts, and i always come home, unsatisfied at what events preceeded. i always feel empty, and like the day was wasted.

"they may not remember what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel"
-carl w. buechner

i like the way you fill my head with unconcious thoughts. i watch you when you don't see, i laugh and smile at the thought of you when you can't see. im not following you, my head is in the clouds and it is just sheer coincidence. is it a sign, or is it just emotions taking over my body and grasping my heart and not letting go even if my brain tries to.

I will always trust in my heart, the right things to do. Love and logic weren't meant to be. the brain just messes with your heart's decisions. The heart is foolish, but i'd rather be fool in love than a scholar without love.

im done.

<3 anna.
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