Latin is DONE. Have some Glompfest ficcage to celebrate.

Aug 03, 2012 13:46

So, after a three-hour exam that consisted solely of translating part of an Augustinian sermon, I am done with Latin and you guys won't have to hear me bitch about it until my next Latin class in January. Whoo hoo. Lucky yous. But yay! DONE. And now I am going to go collapse into bed and sleep all afternoon. And then get up and read Ben Aaronovitch's new Rivers-of-Londonverse novel that Amazon sent me on Tuesday and which I have been dying to read all week.

But before I do that, the fic Noe and I wrote for Glompfest went up earlier this week, and sadly this is the first chance I've had to mention it here. (God, I am going to be so glad to have my life back again. Well. For a month at least before the Semester From Hell starts.) Anyway, here's a link to it for those of you who might be interested. We're actually quite fond of this one...for some reason we always end up writing fluffier fic for Glompfest. :D (And huge thanks to nerak_rose for her awesome prompt. \0/)

Title: Little Talks
Authors: femmequixotic and noeon
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco; background Pansy/Ron, Blaise/Ginny
Summary: Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Semi-Epilogue-compliant
Word Count: ~11,500

Read it here on serpentinelion




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fest: glompfest, rl: goddamn latin, fic: slash, rl: grad school, pairings: harry/draco, fandom: hp

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