So, it's been over three weeks since I've updated. I was considering making it an even month, but that just seemed ridiculous. I've spent the time doing Ascendio planning, spending time with the kittens, redesigning my journal, not writing, and struggling with depression, woe.
Cut for navel gazing and teal deer rambling about mental health, liminality, the lack of creativity, and a faint wisp of religion )
A few months ago I realized I was sliding into depression. I took immediate steps to make life more fun -- I outsourced two problems that were weighing heavily on me, I started doing things that had brought me pleasure in the past, and I told people I love what was going on. Feeling their love and concern for me helped so much, as did shifting some of the weight.
I don't know what will help you, but I hope knowing you have an audience of people who want to hear from you, and that you don't have to produce fanworks to be loved. I want to hear your voice! Complain about a paper you're writing; describe your adorable cats; tell us what you had for breakfast. It's all good, because it's from you.
I just read the comments above mine and oh, you have wonderful people saying wise things to you. I hope they help. I will be thinking of you.
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