So, it's been over three weeks since I've updated. I was considering making it an even month, but that just seemed ridiculous. I've spent the time doing Ascendio planning, spending time with the kittens, redesigning my journal, not writing, and struggling with depression, woe.
Cut for navel gazing and teal deer rambling about mental health, liminality, the lack of creativity, and a faint wisp of religion )
I would also like to share something I have thought about regarding grief, though I don't know if you will find it useful or applicable. When my mother died a few years ago I grieved hard, and was very angry and hateful toward myself because I could not, or did not, save her. I spent a long time feeling like a failure and a bad person. There was a lot of guilt and shame. The thing that helped me toward healing was that one day I had an epiphany. I suddenly thought, "If you truly believe God is all powerful, then why would you believe you could subvert His will? You are being very arrogant. This was *never* in your hands." And I let go of the guilt I felt. I feel super embarrassed sharing that, because I never, ever, ever talk about my faith in fandom or even IRL (it's just so intensely personal), and I never told anybody about it before. But it brought me such unexpected peace that I thought I should share it with you. Like I said, I don't know how useful it is considering your very different circumstances, but I hope God touches you in a similar way and brings you comfort. <3
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