All the night's magic seems to whisper and hush

Jan 16, 2012 22:20

Have been offline for a good chunk of the weekend, mostly reading and going on a record buying spree. After happily crawling around for over two hours in the dusty piles of albums stacked madly in my tiny local record shop, I walked out with 31 LPs for $44, including a mint condition copy of Van Morrison's Moondance (which was the inspiration for one of my tattoos) and a mint condition copy of the Peel Sessions of Echo and the Bunnymen. \0/ We'll ignore the fact that I also purchased Barry Manilow's II just because I have a ridiculous love for the song Mandy and it is impossible for me not to sing it once I hear it--or it's in my head, which means dammit, now I have to sing the whole damn song.

Anyway, quick fest pimp! Noe and I are helping sassy_cissa mod this year's harrydracompreg fest. \0/ So, if you love mpreg--and God knows I do--start thinking of some prompts. :D

Art by brinimc and banner by kayoko.
Prompting begins January 22 and claiming starts on February 8.">" alt="hdmpregfest" border="0">
Art by and banner by .">Prompting begins January 22 and claiming starts on February 8.

Speaking of writing (notice that segue?) I'm still struggling a bit with a little depressive dip mixed with a twist of anxiety. /0\ In order to cheer myself up and not go too far into the abyss, I've started writing some Snape/Draco for marguerite_26's underage kink challenge and oh, wow, how I've missed my OTP. I foresee more Snaco written this year because they are AWESOME and they really make me happy. I also discovered a Harry/Draco moving-in-together PWP I'd started writing last year that has about 3500 words in it. I think I'll finish it up this week and post it to AO3. And I have literally six story outlines in my googledocs of fics I really, really, really want to write this year, including an original story idea Noe and I have been tossing around and considering. Writing seems to calm me down, so I'm going to have to figure out how to juggle schoolwork and writing--I didn't manage to do it too well last semester, but then again, last semester was a bit more overwhelming than I'd anticipated.

Finally, I leave you with a video that's been making the rounds of my classmates--it's utterly and completely LOLtastic because it is pretty much a spot-on depiction of my life right now. Particularly the reading--I have actually done the shower reading, I'm ashamed to admit.

image Click to view

Am exhausted, so will try to catch up on comments, emails and PMs tomorrow, post a doctor's appointment (boo, bloodwork) you all.


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