Title: Kryptonite
Chapter: 1/1
Characters: Ichigo, Renji/Rukia
Rating: PG for some mild language.
Genre Fluff.
Spoilers: None. But some speculations for after the Hueco Mundo arc.
Word Count: 893
Summary: Set after the Hueco Mundo Arc. Ichigo needs a peptalk from Renji, and Rukia overhears.
I mean, her candies can't be that bad )
Love love love this! XD
*squishes you*
Can I write fluff, or can I write fluff? ;)
Yeah ya can! Write fluff that is. LOL
Damn! My fic is done but I'm not happy with it for some reason... *headdesk*
Wanna beta? It'll take five minutes to read through maybe... *hopeful grin*
Need to get some sleep! It's 4:45am here... Dang.
You can still post till the 16th. You don't have to do it now if you're not happy with it.
But I'd love to give it a read.
Thanks! ^__^
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