Fics posted by me in the last month two weeks [Holy crap, me.]
In the Pink - CW RPS - NC17 - Danneel Harris POV, Jared/Sandy, Danneel/Jensen (and combinations thereof, esp. Danneel/Sandy}, allusions to Danneel/other - Part coming-out narrative, part ridiculous porn. The first conversation Jensen and Danneel have is about Jared. Warning for kind of silly, porn-talking!Jared. 2250 words.
Every Rose Has Its Thorn - SPN - R - Dean/OFC (laconic hesher chick) - High school. She seems like the kind of girl who ought to have brothers, but she doesn’t. - Just over 1000 words.
Untitled Sam/Jess Ficlet - SPN - NC17 - Well, she knows he’s not Jewish... - 260 words.
Patchwork - SPN - Hard R - Sam/OFC, Sam and Dean - This isn't the "normal" Sam ever planned for... - 4500 words.
Little Earthquakes - CW (Gilmore Girls) RPF - NC17, quite - Jared Padalecki/Lauren Graham - Lauren randomly muses that at twenty-two and some change Jared’s already theoretically past his sexual peak and she hasn’t even hit hers yet. This feels pretty damn synchronized, all the same. - 1664 words.
Two to Tango - SPN/Buffyverse - NC17 - Dean POV, Faith/Dean, Faith/OFC, Sam - Dean thinks about the girls thing--the Faith and girls thing--a lot. - 1774 words.
I am writing Sam/Dean for my
spn_50states fic. No really, you read that right. There's been angsty frottage and everything.
ETA: Sometimes I ask the world: "Where is my Dean Forester?!!?"
It has yet to come up with a satisfactory answer.
Also, seven years later, I am still perturbed by the fact that in ep 1.07 "Kiss and Tell" when Lorelai is doing the motherly-threatening thing she says to Dean, "She's not going on your motorcycle" and he says, "I don't *have* a motorcycle." BUT THEN, in 1.15 when he meets Rory's dad and Christopher is talking about riding his bike out from Berkeley, Dean says, "I've got an '86 Suzuki." BAD CONTINUITY there, Gilmore Girls. And more importantly, where was the damn wee!Jared on the motorcycle? Humph.
Additionally! Do you think it is remotely possible for there to be in character Rory/Dean dirty talk? I have thoughts. They involve banter and pestering on the part of an adult!Rory. And if I managed that I think someone would be needing to give me a medal of some kind.