I "built" a table today. \o/ It only took pretty much all day because I was so busy being a complete LJ whore while also managing to not read any fic whatsoever. (There is also the slight annoyance of my ex having run off with my electric drill.)
And I recommend
tkp as a human being. (ETA: Especially now that I have taken her innocence forever by forcing her to look at Jsquared!touching pictures into the wee hours of the morning, made her watch SPN vids, and potentially hooked her on CW RPS. In short, I win.)
poisontaster comes from the land of evol because she has me wanting to write butch-dykey, girl!Dean, Wincesty, semi-wee!Sammy!voyeurism fic. Because, as I said to
alizarin_nyc, THE WORLD ABOUNDS IN CRACK. Ahem. ETA on that: I have
officially lost my mind. And everyone on my flist is currently obsessed with
naked Rugby players and Jensen Ackles got an
early start at
igniting panties world-wide.
Also, Angel continues to be smokin' (as does Faith) and I have embarrassingly used my
spontaneous ovulation tag more than once. Also, I love everyone who continues to love me despite my insistence on writing Dean het!fic (that means YOU
Now, could I fill this post with more inanity or name check more? Let's not find out. *g*