Watching BtVS 3.14 "Bad Girls" and I have this to say:
girlguidejones, I respect your right to your own opinions implicitly but I do NOT understand how one does not see the slayer slash. I mean, the heart on the window? *diez*
+++Balthazar the demon in this ep? Um, Jabba the Hut much? Oh Joss, you fanboy. :P
+++If anyone wanted to rec or write me some hotass Faith/Buffy/Angel I'd be all over that. And
chrisleeoctaves, I read yours already and it was totally the hotness, if I never told you that.
+++I have realized that Angel has to make an appearance in the Fanmix Fic.
+++I think I might sort of 'ship Faith/Connor now, which means that I am getting as bad with Faith as I am with Buffy in terms of 'shipping her with (almost) everyone I like.
+++If you really like Angel and/or Faith, not to mention really amazing, gritty writing, and for some reason you have NOT read Ms.
tkp's fic
The Confessional, what in the sam hell are you waiting for? Sam Hell. Hee. Also, take her
Multi-fandom Poll. It's fun and funny, and not just 'cause I'm mentioned in it. Heh.
I actually almost wrote an Angel, Buffy, and Faith story for the
lynnevitational but then the
apocalyptic!Buffy/Angel and the OT3 won out. The following is as far as I got, then I had nothing else to say apparently.
Title: To Give and Receive
Pairings/Characters: Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Angel
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine. Not for profit. Don’t sue.
Summary: Angel POV. Three related drabbles so 300 words.
Author’s Note: If you ‘ship both Buffy/Angel and Faith/Buffy like I do this might just be schizophrenia-inducing. Also, I suspect that the second drabble might have been posted before in some form, but I don't remember.
They come to him in dreams, these Slayers. The pair of them looming large in the fog of his ever-troubled sleep. (Yes, he knows that there are so many more now, but it is these two who have burned and imprinted him-entered his bloodsteam with sweet, coursing power he can’t forget.) Sometimes Angel awakens hard and aching as much from memories of tender, slanted eyes as from kicks and punches and determined grimaces. These conflicting longings rouse him in more ways than one…
Sometimes Angel wakes with the faint impression of phantom tears that he’s forgotten how to shed.
Watching Buffy come back then, flustered and ripening sweet, was among the best, and also the worst, experiences of his unlife. Because that was when Angel was most aware of what she was missing by being with him-the possibility of making another person truly happy. Because he loved her, Angel wanted that for Buffy-the joy that comes in giving, in seeing and being seen-but at the time he couldn’t bear the idea of it actually happening. Not with himself, because it would be disastrous, and not with anyone else, because, well, because.
Now his feelings are mixed.
He remembers how as Angelus he used to lie back languorous, cock firmly in hand, and watch as Darla and Dru teased and taunted one another’s bodies, as if their games were played out just for him. And maybe sometimes they were. But that is not the case now.
Angel can tell by the way that Buffy and Faith look at one another, both when they’re actually fucking and also by the glances they shoot sideways when they’re just walking-on the hunt but enjoying one another’s presence-that they are in their own Slayer bubble. As it should be.