Mar 31, 2010 20:55
Star Trek: Voyager. Katheryn Janeway/Seven. Collective.
“You are my collective…”
The words had been spoken softly by Annika Hansen, still known by most of the staff of the USS voyager as Seven. They had been addressed to Captain Katheryn Janeway, who was currently in a coma.
Seven had grown up a lot since she had been taken aboard the ship and had fallen in love with the captain, a move she didn’t expect to happen. When Seven had been told of what had happened to Katheryn she had excused herself and made her way up the floors to the medi-bay, stopping to relax only once the EMH had given her a update on Katheryn’s condition. She was steadily beginning to get better but the EMH thought she could use a little more reason to get better, which had lead to Seven’s soft admittance.
She was still at Katheryn’s bedside when the woman began to stir.
captain janeway,
ficlist of doom the second,
star trek: voyager,
ficlist of doom,
katheryn janeway,