RIP 2003 Toyota Matrix AKA: Madison Freedom Mary Poppins

Nov 03, 2009 10:33

I hit a car. I was going down a hill on a very dark rainy night and she stopped fast.
I had incomming trafic on the left, and traffic on the right. I slowed down as best as I could- I had 3-4 car lenghts to do so, but my car just couldnt stop. I hit her bumber dead on.

It crumpled my hood really good, broke up my bumper a lot. Ok. She got a half dollar sized dent.

Mary Poppins, the wonder car looked broken, but running well.

I had a friend in Miami who really really really wanted me to be with her on her birthday. I really really wanted to see Miami and the beach. And I had 2 days off. So I drove the car.

Not a good idea.

I am learning that cars are not, after all, indestructable beings.

On the way home I blew a head gasket. There is coolant in all the spark plugs. And the radiator is cracked. Well, it was allready cracked before the accident, it just cracked a LOT more.

I found myself stranded at the "welcome to Georgia center" off Hiway 95, exit one at 2 am. Not entirely alone- I had my 33 pound mutt Joxer the Mighty, with me.

I should also mention that on my person I had 240 bucks, that was supposed to be in the bank for a 300 dollar check that had been written and sent. I have no credit cards any more, and I didnt even have an ATM card (the account only had 24 dollars in it anyway)

The car is in Georgia still.

Joxer and I got a ride from a benevolant stranger who was on her way to Knoxville, TN. That was a miracle in itself.

I have no car.

I work 55 legal driving minutes away. Im getting to work with some creativity.

I am looking for work within walking distance. My dad is going to call the repair place and get an idea if the car is actually salvageable. I do NOT know at this time, that it is worth the repairs- it does have 160,00. miles on it. And bad tires, and bad shocks. Good breaks.
If the car IS salvageable I could probably get back to the area of where my car is. The repair guys may take payments.

I should mention I really love my car.

Oh, and by the way, 2 weeks ago, when I had a car, and had just gotten my new job, and things were looking much much better, I thought that it would be a good idea to try to get pregnant. I was ovulating, I had a friend who was willing (tested clean, signed legal papers, ect) So we tried.
I dont know if I am. Im probably not. Im sort of in a strange space hoping that I am, and knowing it would be a really really bad time for me to be so.

I feel like Im making 20 year old foolish girl mistakes at age 35. What the frell is wrong with me?
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