Final post

Feb 16, 2006 18:16

My apologies to the person one entry beneath me who posted hours ago but I wanna get this out the way.

Recently I've read Life and Death by Andrea Dworkin, a feminist. I will share two quotes.

This is her regarding political power:
"They do not use it right. They are bullies. They do not have a right to what they have; and that means it has to be taken away from them. We have to take the power that they have to use us away from them. We have to take the power that they have to hurt us away from them. We have to take their money away from them. They have too much of it."

Money is definitely being taken from men nowadays. In Sweden, there was a proposal that men be taxed for being simply men. No doubt it'll go to some bullshit program that doesn't need that much money in the first place. Same is being happened in this country too; we call it VAWA. Then you got the ever increasing number of welfare moms who use the money to buy unnecessary things. Damn leeches.

Oh and don't forget those two entries I made a while ago regarding Norway and Chile. In Norway, companies have by July to fill their workplaces with women. Except for jobs like trash collection of course. The boardrooms and executive offices will be just fine, thanks. As for Chile, that new female leader wants to put an equal number of women and men with her. I don't think these things are equality.

Another quote equating husbands and such with criminals:
"We know now that most rape is not committed by the dangerous and predatory stranger but by the dangerous and predatory boyfriend, lower, friend, husband, neighbor, the man we are closest to, not the man who is farthest away."

Michigan man lingers in prison on questionable rap

By Phyllis Schlafly

Feb 6, 2006

William J. Hetherington has been incarcerated in Michigan prisons for more than 20 years for having sex with his wife Linda. In 1986, he became the first man in Genesee County convicted of the new Michigan crime called spousal rape.

Linda was not a battered wife; she testified at the trial that he had never beaten her in their 16 years of marriage. Hetherington was honorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force, received a National Defense Service Medal, and had no police record of any sort.

The sentencing guideline for this new offense was 12 months to 10 years. But, without showing cause, the judge sentenced him to 15 to 30 years (twice the time served by the average convicted rapist in Michigan). Twenty years later, despite an exemplary prison record, the parole board routinely refuses to parole him, giving as its sole reason "prisoner denies the offense."

Hetherington has always maintained his innocence. It was a he-said-she-said case during a custody battle; he said it was consensual sex, she said it was rape. The judge used Michigan's new Rape Shield Law to prohibit cross-examination of Linda.

No physical evidence of rape was produced at the trial. A pelvic examination of Linda at the hospital three hours after the alleged offense showed no evidence of injury or forced penetration. Apparently, what persuaded the jury to convict was the testimony of two police officers that they had observed tape marks on Linda's face.

The court-designated psychologist who examined Hetherington, Harold S. Sommerschield, concluded: "This is not a man who would force himself sexually or hostilely on another individual, as this would be foreign to his personality dynamics. ... his histrionic personality ... would substantiate his explanation of what has occurred in regards to the relationship with his ex-wife."

The rape charge was prosecuted simultaneously with the custody case, and the divorce court had frozen all Hetherington's assets so he had no money to hire a lawyer or make bond. Nevertheless, the criminal court ruled that he was not indigent and refused to provide him with a lawyer.

For 12 years, the court refused to provide Hetherington with a transcript of the trial. Without funds, he was unable to buy one, so he was effectively denied his right of appeal, and no appeal has ever been heard on the substance of this case.

At the sentencing, prosecutor Robert Weiss called Hetherington's alleged offense equivalent to "first-degree murder" and falsely accused him of beating Linda. Weiss was running for a judgeship. Observers sized up his prejudicial statements as grandstanding for support from feminists.

Linda walked away with custody of their three daughters, the marital home, and all marital assets.

Ten years after Hetherington's conviction, a volunteer attorney, Jeff Feldman, using the Freedom of Information Act, obtained copies of five photographs taken of Linda by police at the alleged crime scene immediately after the alleged offense. The photographs were in a locker in a police garage. The prosecution had never disclosed them to the defense.

The photographs were then examined by a forensic photographer John Avlor in Miami using all modern techniques. Valor's four-page notarized report detailed his impressive expertise, including service as the lead forensic photographer in the trial of serial killer Ted Bundy.

Valor's sworn statement, dated Jan. 8, 1998, states that the pictures of Linda showed absolutely no scratches, tape marks or abnormalities of any kind, and that marks would have been clearly visible if there had been any. If a government witness gives false testimony a convicted prisoner should be entitled to a new trial. But Hetherington didn't get one.

Years later, a completely unsolicited letter was sent to the parole board by Melissa Anne Suchy, who had been employed by Linda as a baby sitter. Suchy's letter is hearsay but has the ring of authenticity.

Suchy wrote that Linda told her she made up the story about rape because she was then pregnant with the baby of her boyfriend. Linda said that her boyfriend pushed her to press rape charges, saying that she would have to "get rid of Hetherington or he wouldn't take care of the baby."

Over the years, several pro bono lawyers and concerned citizens have tried to secure a pardon or a parole for Hetherington, but Michigan appears determined to make him serve 30 years because he won't admit guilt and because the bureaucracy won't admit it made a mistake.

Almost everyone who reads the record of what happened to William Hetherington concludes that he was unjustly accused, unjustly convicted, unjustly sentenced, unjustly denied his due process and appeal rights, unjustly denied a new trial based on physical evidence of inaccurate testimony by government witnesses, and unjustly denied parole.

A man's life has been sacrificed, and three children have been denied their father by malicious feminists who have lobbied for laws that punish spousal rape just like stranger rape and deny a man the right to cross-examine his accuser. They have created a judicial system where the woman must always be believed even though she has no evidence, one in which the man is always guilty.

Phyllis Schlafly is the President and Founder of the Eagle Forum.

After reading about that man I realized what the real problem is. It's not feminism; feminists are like annoying mosquitoes, but at least you can swat mosquitoes without fear of being arrested.

The problem is men.

Stupid, mangina men.

Women, be they feminist or non-feminist, seem to wanna have a war with men, for a wide range of reasons. Well, I'm now with them; however, I have a totally different agenda than they do. Our objectives may be the same--to get rid of men--but it's the kind of men to be rid of that sets us apart. They want superiority and total domination without responsibility equality. I want it so that there is once again a clear distinction between a criminal and a non-criminal, rather than bunch everyone up by race, gender, religion, et cetera. They want to be rid of all men except the 10% that they all so desire to fight over. I want to be rid of the men who will possibly grant them that wish.

So now that I know what the real problem is, I no longer have a use for this community. I'll leave it. Whenever I hear about some boy being harassed or banged by a teacher in school or the ever increasing number of slutty women or the ever decreasing marriage and birth rates, I know it's the fault of men in my grandfather's generation.
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