This is just sad..

Feb 16, 2006 11:08

This woman is highly arrogant as well as butchers the English language (well moreso than me at times but mine is all accident) and thinks that men should be dependant on women as well as having the woman lead the household while the guy just drools over and desires the woman while worshipping her.

I am guessing this woman must be overweight or is tired of all the skinny women getting worshipped: "There will be no more prejudice against big and strong women. Women will not be fanatical dieters, nor will they feel guilty about being 'big.' They will work on staying in shape, but if they are not young, thin and 'pretty' it won't matter. Men will be climbing over each other to get to the old, fat, rich women. These women will seem beautiful to them as they represent all the good things of this world."

Here's another gem:

"But you have to look at this picture from all angles. Much evil has come to men through Patriarchy. In spite of the economic blessings they have been spiritually poor. They have sinned. They have sinned badly and they have lost their souls. (The saints say this.) Furthermore, leading women is not natural for men. They have been put into unsuitable roles and have lost the gentle nature or have had to squash it down. The lifestyle of all this pretence to dominance has been a sham and a strain on their psyche. They need and fear women but have to hide their dependency behind a facade. Taking off their masks and just being themselves - great big boys who need a Mother - will be a relief for them. Let Mother take charge, because she can do a better job than you, my boy!"

Ick..I wish women like this never existed because they never strive for equality, they just strive to oppress men which just annoys the hell out of me.
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