Sep 18, 2005 01:28
I just finished reading an earlier post about the naming of Women's Studies classes (vs. Gender Studies, etc.) and the non-existance of an official Men's Studies class, and it prompted this question: What do you think about men who take Women's Studies classes? I was a WS minor in college, and it seemed as though there were usually 2-3 men in each WS class, and they would always be treated strangely, even though they seemed genuinely interested in the material and eager to be there. Women in my class would frequently seem irritated or at the least uncomfortable with their presence. To me, it seemed a decent idea for men to be in these classes, as long as they were there to take them seriously and learn something, as opposed to being there because they figured it would be good for a laugh or a good grade. So, now that I've rambled, I reiterate my question: What do you all think of men taking WS classes? Is it offensive / uncomfortable / irritating, or is it something welcome?
womens studies,