феміністські посилання

Jul 13, 2015 23:46

Образ поліціянток патрульної служби у ЗМІ - чи був сексизм?

Winners Of The UN Women Comic & Cartoon Competition On #GenderEquality

Марійка Підгірянка "Безкінечні казочки"

о защитниках мужских прав.


Закат эпохи альфа-самцов

Каждая шестая женщина в России идет на аборт, потому что ее муж не готов к отцовству

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, up to half a million Congolese women and girls have been raped by armed soldiers and militants in the war-torn eastern region. Yet while many women are raped by soldiers or vigilantes as a direct result of the conflict, rape has also become much more common outside of conflict settings-including schools, where some female students are raped by their teachers, who face no legal repercussions. Many rape survivors are stigmatized, rejected by their husbands, families, or communities, and left with no support system.

Here, we meet just a few women who have survived unthinkable assaults, but are recovering and thriving through the support of Global Fund for Women grantee partner Promotion et Appui aux Initiatives Féminines [Promotion and Support to Women's Initiatives] (PAIF). Join us in sharing the stories of these brave survivors and changing the narrative for the DRC's #unbroken women and girls.


Анатомия и физиология

Henrietta’s Reading Adventures

Малайзия: должны ли мусульманки рожать в специальных шароварах?
В Малайзии спорят, что важнее: снизить риск при родах или не подвергнуться «посрамлению тела»

Кыргызские "патриоты" вновь дали о себе знать в России

У ПАРТИЗАН: судьба женщин

Лора, жена предпринимателя

уступай место будущим мамам

Сознательность и подготовленность

Девушка с синдромом Дауна стала лицом с обложки

Ten Days in a Madhouse: The Woman Who Got Herself Committed

A warrior’s cry against child marriage

Women lead fight in the poaching war
From Sri Lanka to South Africa, women are on the front lines of the fight to protect wildlife.


Boys fed up with sexism in video games: Survey
61 per cent of high school boys say female characters too often treated as sex objects in video games, U.S. study finds, as researchers urge industry address sexism

China's secret 'women only' language
Young Chinese girls in Hunan province used Nushu, a language that no men could read, to communicate with one another. Now a new film aims to tell us more about it

The women whom science forgot

image Click to view

Comic-Con: Women tired of groping geeks and credibility checks

There's an app that will send you an alert when you're near a spot a woman made history

Кто защитит от домашнего насилия пострадавших женщин, употреблявших наркотики?


В России появился сервис знакомств для поиска второй жены

Право первой порки
Консервативные родители готовы защитить семейные ценности от борцов с домашним насилием

The Cairo streets where girls pretend to be boys
Life is hard for the children who scrape a living on Egypt’s streets. They deal daily with horror and hunger, but for the girls the struggle is worse - which is why some of them dress as boys. Patrick Kingsley hears their stories

Fa'afafine: The boys raised to be girls

The Afghan Girls Who Live as Boys
In a society that demands sons at almost any cost, some families are cutting their daughters’ hair short and giving them male names.

'It was windy, so I swung about a bit': Doris Long, 101, breaks abseiling record
Centenarian bests her own world’s oldest abseiler record by descending 94m of Portsmouth’s Spinnaker tower to raise money for local hospice

8-Year-Old ‘Star Wars’ Fan Gets Disney to Ditch Gender Labels
The Force was with a Darth Vader lover from the U.K. who complained to the House of Mouse about the villain being categorized as only for boys.

Washington woman donates 38 gallons of breastmilk to premature babies in need


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