Astin Diary 6

Mar 05, 2007 00:55

TITLE: Safety Dance - Men Without Hobbit Feet
AUTHOR: Pecos -
RATING: PG for silliness and naughty language
FEEDBACK: remember the golden rule, (please!)
DISCLAIMER: I don’t make the toys, I’m
only playing with them. No money made,
nor disrespect intended
WHO’S IN IT?: People whom I’ve never met
and hold no actual grudge against
NOTE: I’m pretty sure Sean Astin is actually a
really nice guy. Ditto the other dudes

Tuesday the Twentieth.
Number of times BK has killed me at chess: 16!

10:15 - taking a break while waiting for bus to location in Upper Hutt. Results of Google search on wetas: not harmful. But they can bite. So perhaps I should say ‘not debilitating’, unlike every living creature in nearby Australia. Even the placid Platypus can inflict significant damage. I think they have a poison spine or some such.

Very glad we’re not filming in Australia.

10:20 - Richard Taylor was just walking by and looked over to see what I was writing. He told me that the only injurious creature native to New Zealand is the Kakapo Bird (spelling?). He informs me that they have fierce claws with razor sharp edges and they’ll come right at you if you go into the brush to investigate their noises, which sound just like an injured Kiwi. I’m not too sure about this information. Would think that it would have been in one of the guidebooks?

10:21 - Richard says that they try to keep that sort of thing ‘hushed up.’ Winks.

10:28 - On the bus now. Traffic in Wellington worse than usual. Dom is leading a round of singing. Elijah has the highest pitched voice I’ve ever heard. I am worried for the integrity of the windshield.

10:33 - The scale doubles are mooning a truck filled with crew. This involves sticking their bare butts out the windows. Clearly not a good idea, but they are all above the legal age for such things, except for Dom’s double, and he’s in school right now. I see that Viggo is assisting them, providing a steadying hand. What a nice guy, our Ranger. Hope there is no traffic insident.

11:14 - On set location in wooded area. Asked Craig Parker (a New Zealander) about the Kakapo problem. He informs me that they are notorious for ‘going for the eyes!’ He has a cousin who was blinded up in the Bay of Islands (which is neither bay nor island - typical NZ foolishness)

11:21 - Overheard Peter Jackson saying that he heard Kakapos in the bush on the other side of the river, but not to mention it to the cast!

11:22 - call Christine to warn her not to take daughter outside until we can assess the Kakapo risk.

Kakapo bird -- preparing to ATTACK?

no pairing, genfic, pg

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