FIC: Same As Usual (1/1, NC17, LotR RPS)

Mar 04, 2007 23:24

Title: Same As Usual
Pairing: Dom/OMC, implied Dom/Billy, Dom/Evangeline Lilly
Rating: NC17
Summary: Sometimes Dominic needs to pretend.
Warnings: Slash sex, much angst.
Feedback: is what I LIVE FOR. Srsly.
Disclaimer: Total fiction, this never happened, I don't own these people, except for one of them. DON'T SUE, I'M POOR.
A/N: This is what happens when I watch HBO documentaries and talk to my brainspouse, silentdescant, at the same time. It was originally gonna be longer and include a part from the OMC's POV, but that didn't pan out. If you like it, maybe I'll write it as a companion piece/remix thingie. :D

Dominic was perfectly still for one of the few times in his life. His hands were gripping the steering wheel, not tapping or fidgeting. His feet were likewise concentrating on the pedals and not bouncing anxiously. The car was completely quiet, with not even the radio to break the silence. As he made his way into the heart of downtown Honolulu, Dom was the epitome of calm… except for the dark, heavy look in his eyes and the rhythmic clenching of his jaw.

He drove further into the city, navigating the streets by memory. It wasn’t wise to slow down long enough to read street signs in this part of town, especially at such a late hour. It didn’t matter. Dom had been here before and knew the way.

He reached his destination and pulled into the parking lot of a nearby motel. After locking his car securely, Dom slid on his hiding-from-the-public sunglasses just to ensure that he wouldn’t be recognized, though he doubted anyone out and about in this neighborhood was addicted to anything as tame as Lost.

A quick look around and he found the person he was looking for leaning against a streetlight on the corner. The young man was small of frame and stature, a couple inches shorter than Dominic himself, but otherwise the perfect stereotype of a California surfer with his longish blonde hair, blue eyes and tan skin. Dom thought that the man’s name was also something stereotypically Californian, but wasn’t actually sure. It crossed Dom’s mind that it should bother him that he couldn’t remember the guy’s name. It didn’t. He walked over to the man, and looked at him evenly. “Hey. Are you free now?”

The man’s face brightened with a smile at Dom’s approach and he opened his mouth to answer, and then suddenly closed it as if he’d been reprimanded. Still smiling, he nodded and threw a questioning glance at the motel.

Dom nodded also, though he didn’t return the smile. “Yeah. I’ll get a room. Come on.” He turned and walked back towards the motel, not walking with the young man but not exactly leaving him behind, either.


Dom gripped the man’s bare hips hard enough to leave marks as he pushed inside of him in a single shove. He was still for a moment, breathing deeply. His eyes closed and he pictured another man beneath him, another room, and another time. As the details fell into place in his mind, he started his thrusts. In his fantasy, the other man was paler, his hair more ginger. Not as muscled, but still toned and lean. The man in his mind met each of Dom’s urgent movements, pushing against him eagerly, needing Dom just as much as Dom needed him. Billy… oh God, Billy, I’ve missed you…

Dom bent over, leaned into Billy and ran his hands up the other man’s sides before nuzzling his neck, licking and nipping at Billy’s skin just the way the Scotsman liked it. Billy grunted, suppressing a moan, and Dom grinned against his neck. He slid his hands back down Billy’s sides to his hips and grasped them tightly again as he thrust harder into him. Billy groaned with each push and squirmed under Dom, wordlessly encouraging him on. He wanted more. Billy always wanted more.

“Fuck… yes… Billy…” Dom’s words were little more than breath as they fell from his lips. He concentrated on fucking Billy, fucking him deeper, giving him what they both needed. One of his hands let go of Billy’s hip and curled around his cock. His fist tightened and stroked Billy with maddening perfection while they moved together desperately. Dom knew every little tease and touch, he knew where all of Billy’s buttons were and he delighted in pressing each one. Billy cried out when Dom shifted position and hit just that spot, and then hit it over and over again. They were huddled against each other as they rocked, leaving only room for Dom’s hand deliciously torturing Billy’s cock, and it felt to Dom as if time had left them there.

After what felt like an eternity, a choked whimper escaped Billy, warning Dom that he was getting close. Dom groaned in reply, increasing the pace and stroking Billy more firmly. Dom’s voice was raw and low, and his lover’s name was spoken like a prayer. “Come for me, Billy, Billy, Billy, please, love you Billy, need… oh fuck…” Beneath him, Billy began to shiver and moan, grasping at the sheets as his climax hit him full force and he clenched around Dom. That was all Dom needed, and he was pushed over the edge himself. He rested his forehead against Billy’s as he gradually slowed inside of him.

Panting and utterly spent, Dominic finally opened his eyes… and looked into eyes the color of the ocean, not the deep green he had been seeing with his mind. Not Billy. He drew back a little and swallowed roughly, fighting off the sudden immediate urge to cry. The young man below him just looked at him calmly, almost tenderly, but didn’t say a word. He hadn’t all night.

Dom slowly and uncomfortably pulled away from the young man. He stood, stretched, and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. The man on the bed watched him for a sign of some sort. When Dom returned and began to dress, so did he.

Once Dom finished buttoning his trousers, he went still. His eyes drifted across the bed, then down to the carpet. The need to cry rose for a second time, but was pushed down yet again. He gathered his things from the table near the door and pulled a thick bunch of twenties from his wallet. He held them out to the young man and spoke quietly. “Same as usual, yeah?”

The young man stood and nodded, obviously grateful as he took the money and pocketed it without bothering to count the bills. Again, he opened his mouth to say something but stopped before he did. A sad smile flashed across Dom’s face for barely an instant before disappearing. It left him looking almost pained. “Yeah. Right,” he sighed, as he pulled on his jacket. “Same as usual.”

Dominic turned and walked out the door.


He drove to the beach. Sitting in the sand, alone for miles in any direction, he let himself cry. It wasn’t wailing or sobbing or anything as dramatic as that. Just a small, tearful release. Before the sun rose, when the light just started to brighten the sky, he wiped his cheeks and left.


Evi pretended to be asleep when Dom slid into bed beside her. It would be more awkward for both of them if she was awake, and it really didn’t need to be. She was just glad he was home. The deep shadow in his eyes hadn’t escaped her notice, and she had figured it was only a matter of time before he… well, went wherever it was that he went to do whatever it was that he did. She had no idea, really. She only knew that every few months he would get that look. Dom would turn somber and his thoughts would be distant, until he seemed to reach a breaking point. That’s when he would disappear for a night with no word of explanation. Once it had happened right after they had gone to Jack’s christening, even though it had only been a few weeks since his last night away. But when he returned, it was always as if the weight he’d carried was lifted, and he was her playful loving Dom again. As long as his missing nights seemed to help him, she guessed it was a small price to pay.

Evi loved Dom, and she knew that everyone had secrets. Sometimes it was best not to ask.

Dom’s breathing deepened as he fell asleep. Evi rolled over and gently pulled him close, drifting back to sleep herself with Dom in her arms. Same as usual.

billy/dominic, het content, nc-17, dominic/other

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