Jan 15, 2009 17:50
These are notes from the last book that I read--"Life's Journey's According to Mister Rogers" by Fred Rogers. (Mom said 'I know who Mister Rogers is, but *who* is Fred Rogers?'). I never liked his show because it was corny, but here are some things I'm choosing to remember:::
"You can have love and you can have success, but love must come first. Love, and then success.
"Someone else's action should not determine your response"--These are actually the words of the Dalai Lama, but I found them by way of Mister Rogers. He (Rogers) added "Not if our compassion is genuine, not if our love is sthe kind the Dalai Lama advocates"
"We were never made to feel that we had to be somebody that we were not, yet we were always encourgaed to choose to be the best of who we were at the moment. you become who you are over time. The way that you are right now is perfectly fine"
"One of my seminary professors said people who were able to appreciate others-who looked for what was good and healthy and kind-were about as close to as you could get to God"
"Try your best to make goodness attractive. That's one of the toughest assignments you'll ever be given"
"There is a close relationship between truth and trust"
There are three ways to ultimate sucess: 1. be kind. 2. be kind. 3. be kind
"I don't think anyone can grow unless he's loved exactly as he is now, appreciated for what is rather than what he will be"
"None of us gets to be competent, mature people without the help of others...the people who have loved you along the way. Take a minute of silence to remember the people who have care about us through our lives: people who have made a significant difference in our being who we are right now."
"Our world needs your truth"