Dec 27, 2009 17:35
Ugh. Woke up this morning with my insides trying to eat my outsides, or the other way around, not sure. Stumbling to the toilet I left a delightful red trail on the floor. Nice. After cleaning up and swallowing what I could find of painkillers I crawled back into bed for another few hours. Only to wake up feeling even worse. After searching through all my bags and purses and coming up empty handed I crawled again back into bed and sobbed to hubby to find me some decent drugs. Which he did, in the medicin cabinet. Ok, maybe I wasn't thinking too straight since that probably should have been the first place to look.
When the drugs finally kicked in I crawled into the kitchen (I'm not kidding, I couldn't straighten up) and had a little breakfast then back into bed to sleep again for another three hours when I finally woke up feeling like a human being again and not just a bundle of pain. Still hurting but not nearly as badly. Has since been curled up on the couch, reading and drinking coffee that hubby, sweetie that he is, brought me from the coffeehouse. And eating chocolate.
My siblings had been planning an evening of games at my brother's house but we rescheduled until tomorrow. *sighs*
This is the second time my period has been like this. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the B12 shots I've been getting since it started when I stopped taking the pills and switched to shots. I don't know. The weird thing is that this pain comes on the second day of my period instead of the first like before. I'm just glad it's been coming on weekends and not when I'm at work because that would be hell. *knocks on wood*
Thanks for all the advice on my last post, you guys. Will definitely be doing some precautionary planning for next time. *hugs*
stupid uterus