(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 00:06

So today was supposed to be spent cleaning the apartment. The weather was way too nice for that. What I have done instead is this:

1) Got the little guy ready for kg which was the only reason I was up and dressed when our very cute and charming neighbour knocked on the door to borrow a screwdriver. I didn't have a bra on though so he got the whole wibbly-wobbly show.

2) Got back home, fell asleep, and dreamt about floods or possibly earthquakes and losing my iBook. It was horrible!

3) Got woken up by a woman at work needing me to email her a bill for something we'd bought. Said "I'll see if I can find it" and promptly fell asleep again and slept for another hour. Not like she needed it right away anyway. I'm on vacation, I'm not getting out of bed for that!

4) Posted hooker!Dean fic and then sat outside in the sun and burned while reading Henning Mankell.

5) Took the kids to the mall and then did something I'll tell you about later because it's a secret.

6) Took the kids to see Shrek the Third. Would have preferred to see it in English but apparently the kids need to understand what is going on. Was lots of fun though, I just love those movies. I'm sure a whole lot of wordplay jokes got lost in translation like they always do so as soon as it comes out on DVD I wanna watch it in English. I swear half the jokes were aimed at the parents more than the kids. lol

7) Got home, put the kids to bed while hubby washed windows. Cleaned toilet. (See, I did clean. A little.)

8) Ate burgers, watched Spooks, answered old feedback.

That's it.

Tomorrow we just have to clean because Thursday night hubby's best friend is coming over for an evening of beer and chatting. This is that friend but now he's all settled with a kid as well so I'll have to keep my hands to myself. *pouts* Although having spent the last two years in Sweden should have made him more openminded, right? Those Swedes, we all know what they're like. *g*

And then on Friday we're going away for a week with no internet. If I never come back it will be because I died from lack of porn. *twitches* Maybe I should copy/paste some into word since I'm taking the laptop with me... Those spn_j2_bigbang fic should sustain me some.
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