Monday, Monday, can't trust that day.

Jan 08, 2007 12:08

Dear Body

I do not appreciate getting my period less than 2 weeks after I had it last.

No love,


Ps. While I'm at it, stop piling on fat and decaying my teeth. Ktnxsbye

In other news, I remember what I was going to ask yesterday.

I've been thinking about tags and organising and shit like that. Mainly in connection with my fic. You know, until I get that site up and running. *shifts eyes*

So far I've used these tags:

AU Human (67 uses)
Daddy!kink (27 uses)
Dark!Fic (36 uses)
Drabbles (96 uses)
Fic (188 uses)
Funny!fic (13 uses)
Icondrabbles (58 uses)
Original fiction (3 uses)
RPS (58 uses)

Then there are the pairings:
BtVS/AtS: Angel/Lindsey, Angel/Wes, Angel/Xander, Angelus/Spike, Angelus/Wesley, Angelus/William, Spander, Spangel, Spangelus, Spesley, Spike/Connor, Spike/Giles, Spike/Lindsey, Spiles, Spordo, Spuffy, Xangel
SPN: Dean/Sam, Sam/Dean Wincest
RPS: DB/CK, J2, JA/JP, Jensen/Jared, JM/CK, JM/DB, JM/DB/CK, Jsquared

Obviously this isn't the best categorization you've ever seen and, being a librarian, that will just not do. Got to fix all those pairings and such. And those dark!fic, funny!fic etc tags haven't really been used that much. Was also wondering if combining tags would make things easier to find. Like drabbles_spn, drabbles_rps, fic_spangel, fic_2006, etc. What do you think?

Any ideas? Suggestions? Asskicking? Anything?

tags, stupid uterus, lj

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