Jsquared Drabbles

Jan 06, 2007 00:26

I was going to poost these earlier but ran out of time before going to the in-laws for dinner. Anyway, here's the first batch. Jsquared!!

for hellziggy icon by clouds_of_white. 200 words.

Combining Kinks

The warm hand on Jared’s knee surprises him enough that he jumps in his seat, a strangled “Wha-?” escaping his throat before he has time to catch himself. He glances around in panic but no one seems to have noticed and when he finally looks over at Jensen there’s a twinkle in those green eyes that doesn’t bode well.

“So, Jare… In high school… Ever fantasize about being blown in the library?”

Jared thinks of old Ms. Moskowitz and her evil glare. “Erm… no.”

Jensen grins and squeezes Jared’s knee. “How about now?”

Jared licks his lips nervously, eyes skittering over to Kim and the camera guys before going back to Jensen. “What, here?”

Fingers slide up Jared’s thigh as Jensen smirks with a conspiring wiggle of his eyebrows. “I was thinking more like 873.”

Jared was going for a ‘Huh?’ but it sounds more like “Nguh?” as Jensen’s fingers just then start molesting his hard-on.

“Latin. You read, I’ll suck. What do you say?”

Oh God. Jared’s gonna come right there and then. “Uhm… Ok.”

“Kim, me and Jare got a few? Need to stretch.”


Jensen stands up. “Come on, ‘Sammy,’” he breathes in Jared’s ear. “Exorcise me.”

for secondalto. Icon by chokeanddie. 100 words

It's In The Eyes

Jared glances up again, growling softly in his throat. “Stop it.”

The script shakes in his hands and he tightens his grip, trying to focus on the words. Goddamn monologues. Gotta learn this or...

“Quit. It. Jensen. Quit staring at me.”

He’s feeling slightly dizzy, blood pounding in his ears, breath hitching.


“What?” The smile is deviously innocent, eyes crinkling.

“Fine! Fine.” Jared slams the script down on the table, closing his eyes in exasperation. “If Eric kills me it’s your fault.”

“Well, at least you’ll die happy.” Jensen chuckles and crawls over. “And satisfied.”

Can’t argue with that.

for dawnstarrising. Icon by ashaav49. 100 words.

Come Here, Kittykittykitty...

Jared’s not sure Jensen’s aware of how damn inviting he is. Thinks maybe in Jensen’s mind he’s just being friendly, charming. Not realizing how every smile whispers a promise, how every blink of heavy eyelids looks like a come-on. Jensen throws back his head and laughs and Jared wants to bite the stubble on that long neck. Jensen walks past and the swing of his hips dare Jared to bend that sweet ass over and fuck him senseless.

It’s all in Jared’s head, he suspects, but what if it’s not? What if Jared’s the one being invited?

Here goes nothing.

for setje. Her own icon. No pairing but you can imagine it's the boys if you want. *g* 100 words.

First time

He lies rigid, breath hitching as the hand moves slowly lower.

“Relax. I’ll make it good for you.” The voice is slick like wet silk.

He closes his eyes, lips parting in a shuddered moan when the fingers slip underneath the waistband of his boxer-briefs, running through coarse curls.

“Yeah. You like that?”

‘Yes. No. Shouldn’t.’

Wet lips slip over one nipple as the calloused fingertips reach their goal. He arches off the bed but the arm around his waist holds him down, teeth pinching the puckered flesh.

“Be still.”

Strong fingers close around his cock and all doubt disappears.

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, cwrps drabbles, icondrabbles, drabbles, fic 2007

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