I need to shake my muse alive so I was thinking to maybe try and do some icondrabbles.
I've been working on nothing but Spangel (The Fire Within, Protect Your Soul and Just Watching) and it's going soooo sloooowlyyyy. I need a break. So no Buffyverse this time. Sorry. I'll promise to do this again in not too long.
Anyway, throw me some Supernatural or Jsquared icons.
Mine or yours, doesn't matter. Only one per person, unless there are very few takers, then I'll beg again. *g* First 10?
I've already done
these Oh and you know, just because an icon is pretty doesn't necessarily mean it tells a good story. Just something to think about.
Ps. I know I have three waiting since last time. I'll work on those too.
[ETA. Still have 5 places left. No takers?]
[ETA2. One slot left. Anyone?] Done! Thank you for playing!