I haven't forgotten my Boston posts or any of the other things I'm writing, just been swamped with the little guy's birthday. The place needed a thorough cleaning and the stores had to be thread to find the perfect birthday present. Why didn't I buy them in Boston, you ask. Well, obviously there are no kids living in Boston whatsoever. Children's clothes stores were scarce, finding shoes was like looking for a snowball in hell and both the Disney store and the big toy store were gone or had moved and no one seemed to know where they were. So I came home with a few clothes and no toys at all.
Anyway, we bought him some Fisher Price Little People stuff for a ridiculous amount of money in a toystore here instead. Seriously how can some pieces of plastic cost so much? Especially since from the US to here the price about triples. At least. From about 20$ to 75$ for this particular thing. *growls*
But he was happy with it and that's what counts, right? He looked so grown up in his white shirt and knitted vest. Was very tired though and grumpy and wouldn't let any of his eager grandparents hold or kiss him. Got better though as he suddenly realised what all those things packed in paper were for. Prezzies!!
I was going to put in a pic of him in his birthday suite. No, not that birthday suite! But hubby, who was in charge of the camera since the boy refused to let go of me, took 4 pictures, only one of them of the birthday boy and they're all bad and grainy. Who needs to preserve memories anyway? *rolls eyes*
Ps. First
yule lad comes tonight. Stekkjastaur. The kids have their shoes in the window. The girl even wrote him a letter telling him she wanted a Baby Born doll in her shoe. Well, we are getting her one but not until x-mas. She will probably be a very disappointed girl tomorrow morning.