Fic: The Fire Within, Epilogue. AU Human. Liam/Spike and more. NC-17

Apr 16, 2023 20:37

Title: The Fire Within, Epilogue
Author: felisblanco
Pairing: Liam/Spike, Lindsey/Faith, Lindsey/Spike/Liam
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 8102 words this part
Author's note: Last part and now I'm done!

Continued from here.

For once they beat the fire department to the site. It was a mess, with people screaming and crying and the usual assholes trying to catch a peek of someone jumping to their death. Spike lost sight of Lindsey in the chaos after only a few minutes. The fire seemed to be spreading exceptionally fast which made the panic grow even faster. He was urging some onlookers to step back when he heard a scream above him and swung around, staring up into the flames. There. Someone in a window on the third floor, a slight woman or a teenager maybe, he couldn’t see properly. They were banging on the window, to get their attention or maybe just trying to break it, although they would need more force than that and from the look of it they were already flagging. Shit.

Without thinking Spike shoved his way past the last residents stumbling out of the building, yelling at some rookie cop he didn’t know the name of that he was going up to the third floor, before slipping through the door. He was heading for the stairs when he was yanked back with such force that for a moment he thought he’d dislocated his shoulder, and dragged back out.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Liam yelled into his face, anger staining his face red. “You trying to get yourself killed? Again?”

“Liam, thank God!” Spike pointed frantically. “There’s someone trapped on the third floor! I saw them banging on the window!”

Liam looked like he wanted to shake Spike and yell at him some more but instead he gritted his teeth and nodded. “You stay here. I mean it! You go in there, I’m leaving your ass to burn!”

The realization of what he’d been about to do hit Spike and he felt dizzy. “Liar,” he said faintly and pushed Liam toward the door. “Go, go!”

He watched Liam adjust his mask before disappearing into the smoke and then stumbled to lean against a nearby car, his heart racing in his chest. Fuck, he hadn’t even thought about the danger. Just like last time he’d rushed in on pure instinct. Except last time he’d been damn lucky to be rescued. There was no guarantee he would ever have that luck again. He reminded himself to stay out of burning buildings from now on, but deep down he knew he’d do the same thing every time. Between rushing in or standing by while someone burned to death… there was no choice.

“You okay?” Lindsey said suddenly in his ear. When Spike didn’t answer Lindsey tipped his head up, thumb under his chin. “Spike, you with me?”

Spike swallowed. “Yeah. I’m okay. I just…” He waved his hand at the door which was now billowing out thick smoke. “I almost did a stupid thing and Liam saved my arse, again.”

“You were gonna run in there?” Lindsey asked, incredulous. “What the fuck’s the matter with you? I swear to God, you have a fucking death wish.”

“There was someone…” He looked up but the window was engulfed in flame. Fuck, he’d sent Liam in there! “Liam!” He started toward the building but Lindsey caught his arm again and pulled him back, grip like a vice.

“Liam knows what he’s doing, it’s his damn job. And we have to do ours. Okay? Are you good?”

Spike nodded. He couldn’t take his eyes off the flames licking the glass. Any minute now the window was due to explode from the heat.

“Spike, look at me!” Lindsey grabbed his chin, forcing Spike to look into his eyes. “He’s going to be fine! He does this kind of thing every damn day!”

They both knew that wasn’t true. This was a bad one. This was a bloody disaster fire and Spike had told Liam to go in there. Right into the belly of the beast. If something happened…

“Look, there he is!”

Lindsey pointed to where Liam was staggering out the door, a body slung over his shoulder. Alive or dead, there was no way to tell. The paramedics quickly relieved Liam of his burden but when he made as if to run back in again, someone grabbed his arm and stopped him, shaking their head. It was too late for rescues, if anyone was still in there, they were already gone. All that was left was putting out the flames and securing the site. Liam’s shoulders slumped as he stared up at the building, now encased in flames, but after a moment he straightened up and looked around, gaze coming to a halt as he spotted Spike, sagged in Lindsey’s arms in his relief. He stalked over and Spike could feel Lindsey stiffen by his side, as if preparing for a fight.

“You goddamn idiot,” Liam hissed, snagging Spike with force out of Lindsey’s arms and crushing him in his own. “You fucking moron. You never learn. You never think!”

“I’m sorry,” Spike mumbled into Liam’s chest. “You alright?”

“No, I’m not alright! I just had to run into that building thinking you might run after me, like the fucking stupid idiot you are, and get yourself killed while I was looking for some goddamn stranger!”

“I wasn’t…” Spike tried but gave up when Liam just shook him angrily. “I won’t. I promise. Next time I’ll wait.”

“Liar,” Liam said exasperated, echoing Spike’s word from earlier. “You have no survival instinct, you know that? It’s all jump first, think later. You’re gonna be the death of me.” He ripped his helmet off and dipped his head, kissing Spike with desperate passion.

“Uhm, guys? Maybe save the romance for later,” Lindsey said. He sounded tense and when Spike looked around, he noticed several people watching them. Including reporters.

“We need to get back to work, pet. We’ll talk about this later, okay?”

“You bet your ass we will,” Liam growled but he looked considerably calmer when he stepped back. He didn’t even spare their audience a glance, like he couldn’t care less. It was such a difference from just a year ago, Spike could hardly believe it.

“And I’m betting that ass will feel some whooping tonight,” Lindsey joked, blushing when Spike smirked. “Damn you, now I’m thinking about it.”

“You’re the one who brought it up,” Spike said, but he couldn’t help a small shiver running down his spine. Liam usually tried to keep his toppy tendencies in check, or save them for Lindsey who, it had turned out, really liked being bossed around. But sometimes the mood proved just right for Spike to fall to his knees at Liam’s command and, bloody hell, were those times something else! “You want to come?”

Lindsey licked his lips, but then he shook his head. “Faith is bringing some friends over. Thought I’d join them.”

“Girls or guys?” Spike asked intrigued. He still didn’t quite get their relationship, but it was endlessly fascinating to him, watching Lindsey navigate through it with increasing confidence.

“Girls. I don’t…” Lindsey visibly squirmed. “I mean, only with you two.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. Now, wasn’t that interesting. “Good,” he said firmly, just to see Lindsey’s reaction. The full body shiver and slight flutter of his eyelashes didn’t disappoint. Very interesting. “How d’you fancy tomorrow night, pet?”

“Fancy it plenty.”

They couldn’t risk a kiss - it was one thing people knowing about him and Liam; it was quite another letting them in on their little threesome arrangement with Lindsey, but he quirked his lips just enough to make Lindsey blush.


It was late by the time they got off their shift, still smelling of smoke from that morning. Spike tried to call Liam, he should have been off a few hours earlier, but it went to voicemail after a number of rings. He left a message, saying he was on his way home, before climbing into Lindsey’s truck. He still hadn’t found himself a new car, he’d looked at a few but none lived up to his beloved Dru, and the thought of buying some generic, soulless vehicle made him shudder.

Lindsey swung the truck up to the sidewalk outside Spike’s apartment building, his fingers tapping the wheel as he shot Spike shy glances. Spike smiled. After all this time, Lindsey still couldn’t ask.

“Come here, pet,” he said and pulled Lindsey in by the neck, entangling his fingers in Lindsey’s hair and tugging on it for good measure. Lindsey’s eyes fluttered back in his head, lips parting in anticipation as Spike leaned in and kissed him. They made out for a while, Lindsey’s mouth eager as always even if his hands were still slightly hesitant, as if even now he couldn’t believe he was allowed to touch. When the windows started steaming up, Spike pulled away, laughing when Lindsey whimpered in protest.

“You’re still welcome to join us,” Spike reminded him.

Lindsey leaned back in his seat, breathing heavily. “Fuck, I want to, but I better get home to my lady.”

“Alright, luv.” Spike kissed him one last time before slipping out of the truck. “See you tomorrow.”

“If you can sit after the whooping Liam’s sure to give you,” Lindsey said, leering.

Spike snorted. “Just for that, breakfast is on you.”

“Tea and crumpets, was it?” Lindsey asked in the most horrible imitation of an English accent Spike had ever heard.

“With a side helping of grits and cornbread,” Spike shot back, slurring his words southern style. Lindsey’s laughter followed him all the way to the door.

He climbed the five stories to his and Liam’s apartment, too tired to even curse the bloody elevator that never seemed to work more than a couple of days, before it was out of order again. They’d been looking around for something better, in a slightly nicer neighborhood, with a working elevator. Some days they were both just too tired to deal with all those bloody stairs. Today was one of those days. By the time he reached their floor he was exhausted.

“You home, luv?” he called out as he unlocked and opened the door. There was no answer but Liam’s shoes were by the door, and he could hear the shower running. Spike shed his clothes as he made his way to the bathroom, leaving a trail that Liam was sure to bitch about later.

The bathroom was filled with steam, but Liam turned around as soon as Spike opened the door, the whisper of cool air giving him away. “Spike?”

“Just me, pet.” As soon as he slipped into the shower, Liam pulled him close, kissing him almost violently.

“Almost gave me a heart attack seeing you run into that damn building,” Liam growled, when he finally let Spike up for air. “Don’t you ever do that again!”

“I’ll try not to,” Spike said, leaning his tired head against Liam’s chest. He closed his eyes as Liam started washing the smell of smoke out of his hair, still muttering curses under his breath, his strong fingers massaging Spike’s scalp a little too hard, as if to remind him who he belonged to. Seemed Lindsey might have been right about the ‘whooping’. Even if Spike was just as likely to fall asleep halfway through.

“Whoa, you okay?” Liam said, hauling him to his feet as his knees started to buckle.

“Sorry, pet. Tired. Long day.” He tilted his head up, giving Liam a half-smile. “We done in here?”

“Well, I was gonna tell you to suck my dick for scaring me half to death but I guess that can wait.”

“Nuhuh, I can…” Spike started to sink to his knees, but Liam hauled him up again, shaking his head with a smile.

“Don’t be stupid. Come on.”

They dried off in comfortable silence, then Spike put on a pair of soft PJ bottoms while Liam opted for sweats and a t-shirt. “Do you mind if we order in?” he asked. “I don’t really feel up to making anything and you might actually set something on fire, seeing how tired you are.”

“Lucky I have my very own fireman, just in case,” Spike said with a grin, not bothering to feel insulted about his cooking skills. After all, they both knew Liam was the one who almost burned down their kitchen that one time, getting distracted by Spike’s very talented mouth.

“Pizza okay?”


Spike collapsed on the couch, leaned back, and closed his eyes. After a little while he felt Liam sit down on the end of the couch and then he was being pulled down until his head rested in Liam’s lap. Strong fingers ran through his curls, brushing them away from his eyes.

“I don’t know what I would have done if…” Liam’s voice hitched. “Never do that again. Promise me.”

Spike blinked up at him, his heart clenching at the tears in Liam’s eyes. “I already did, pet.”

“You only said you’d try. It’s not enough. Promise.”

Spike hesitated. “I’d love to, but you know as well as I do, if I saw that poor little bint again, or any other kid, I’d do the same thing. I can’t just stand by and watch. I can’t.”

Liam sighed. “I know. It’s just… I’m so fucking scared for you when you’re just doing your job. Can’t have you trying to do mine as well.” His hand stilled in Spike’s hair. “Sometimes don’t know who to worry about more, the damn perps or your asshole mates. I can’t believe they let Mears and Wells resign without a charge. That should have been a fucking capital case.”

Spike grimaced. “You know how I feel about the bloody death penalty, luv. No case should be a fucking capital case.”

“There are exceptions, this should have been one of them,” Liam insisted stubbornly.

It was an argument neither of them was going to win, so Spike let it slide for now. He was too bloody tired to get into how much the US legal system depressed him. But… “Listen,” he said hesitantly, “I’ve been thinking.” He punched Liam lightly when he snorted in disbelief, but it did help ease the tension a little. “Maybe it’s time for me to make a career change.”

Liam’s face instantly turned serious, but Spike noticed he didn’t look surprised. “To what?”

Spike shrugged. “Me and Lindsey have been talking. This whole bloody thing with Mears and Wells shook him too, you know. Don’t think he ever had any grand illusions about the job but now…” He sighed. “No matter what we do, we’re still part of the system. And I hate the bloody system, luv.”

Liam nodded. “I know. So, what do you want to do? Gay country duo?” He grunted when Spike elbowed him. “I’m not joking! You guys are good.”

Spike snorted. “We’re not pay-the-bills good. And I’m not about to make you my sugar daddy.”

“Oh, but you love it when I’m your daddy,” Liam leered. Spike couldn’t help the shiver that ran through him, and Liam chuckled. “Could be one right now if you’re in the mood for it.”

Spike grinned. At least Liam had moved on from brooding. “You know what I’m in the mood for?”

He wriggled over on his other side and mouthed at Liam’s cock through the soft flannel pants. He could hear Liam’s breath stutter, and then one hand was back in Spike’s hair, while the other tugged the pants down to remove the only obstacle keeping him from slipping his cock into Spike’s mouth. It was already half hard and it didn’t take much coaxing to get it all the way. Spike hummed contently, alternating between lazy sucking and light licking while Liam’s fingers ran through Spike’s curls. It was soft, gentle, the kind of sex Liam wouldn’t have had the patience for a year ago. Spike could feel his limbs grow heavy, his head sink further into Liam’s lap. He relaxed his tongue and closed his lips around Liam’s cock, rubbing his head lightly against Liam’s hand in an invite to take over but Liam just sighed happily and continued stroking his hair.

Spike woke up to the mouth-watering scent of pizza and a pillow wedged under his head where Liam’s lap had been. He yawned and smacked his lips. His mouth tasted like cock but there was no dried come at the corner of his lips so they probably didn’t get that far before he conked out. Spike stretched lazily and turned over to find Liam sitting in one of the comfy chairs, eating pizza and drinking beer, eyes on some game on TV, sound down low.

“Food’s here?” Spike asked dumbly, his mind still a bit fuzzy with sleep.

Liam turned his head and smiled at him. “Hey, you’re up. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked like you needed the rest.”

“Sorry, pet.” Spike sat up slowly and yawned again. “Didn’t mean to leave you hanging.” He gestured at Liam’s crotch.

Liam shook his head, grinning. “I passed out just after you did.” He chuckled. “Guess that means we’re old.”

Spike snorted. “Guess so.”

He stood up, swaying slightly on his feet. Liam’s eyes turned concerned but Spike waved it off and shuffled into the kitchen to fetch himself a soda. He didn’t fancy drinking beer if he was going to bed soon, which everything pointed towards. It had been a long week but tomorrow was Friday, and then they both had the whole weekend off. He was joining Lindsey’s band again Saturday night for a few songs - Lindsey kept adding more for him, soon enough Spike would be up on stage for half the show - but other than that they had no plans but to sleep, relax, and maybe finish that blowjob.

“Lindsey was sure you were gonna give me a ‘whooping’ for what happened,” he said with a chuckle, mouth half full of pizza. “I invited him to join us, but he had some moresome plans with Faith. He said he’d come over tomorrow night though.”

Liam raised an eyebrow. “Well, I did think about putting you over my knee, but I decided to wait until you’re less likely to fall asleep on me. Again.”

Spike chuckled. “Maybe he’ll get to be here for the whooping after all then.”

“Or we could whoop him,” Liam suggested with a smirk.

Spike tilted his head in thought. “I think he’d like that.”

They shared a grin and then settled down, eating pizza and watching some stupid action hero film. Spike was starting to nod off again when Liam asked, “So, what are you two thinking of going into? Something together or…?”

Spike sipped his soda, forehead wrinkling in thought. “Honestly, pet, we’re not sure. Security seems the obvious answer, but I don’t know. Sounds bloody boring. Maybe do a complete 180°.”

“So, criminals then?” Liam joked.

“Haha. Although I’ll let you know, I’d be the sexiest cat burglar you’d ever seen,” Spike added, stretching to show off his lithe figure.

“I don’t doubt it,” Liam said, licking his lips.

Spike laughed. “Oi. Stop imagining me in a catsuit, you bloody pervert.”

“You’re the one who brought it up.” Liam frowned. “And now I’m imagining you stuck in a tree, licking your paws while waiting for me to come get you down.”

That made him laugh. “My big strong fireman.” He batted his eyes, grinning when it made Liam squirm in his seat. “I’d be so happy to see you, luv, I wouldn’t even scratch you.”

“You better not,” Liam grumbled. “That’s why we have those thick jackets, you know. Not to protect us from fire, but so all those damn cats don’t claw us up, the fucking bastards.”

“You are very brave,” Spike cooed, sliding down to the floor and crawling over to Liam’ chair. “So very, very brave.” He grinned when Liam spread his knees so Spike could fit between them. “I think you deserve a prize for your outstanding bravery in dealing with feline emergencies.”

Liam groaned, sliding further down in the chair as Spike loosened his pants and pulled them over his knees, all the way to his ankles. “Just don’t fall asleep this time.”

“Careful, this kitty has sharp fangs,” Spike warned him, baring his teeth. “And even sharper claws.” He dragged his nails down Liam’s bare thighs, smirking as a violent shiver ran through Liam’s body. “So behave.”

“Fuck,” Liam breathed, eyes dark and heavy. He reached out and petted Spike’s head, running his fingers through the unruly curls. “Good kitty.”

Spike was still chuckling as he swallowed Liam down to the hilt. Enough teasing, it was time to get to business. He kept his hands on Liam’s thighs, preventing him from jerking his hips up, scratching the soft skin on Liam’s inner thighs with his nails whenever Liam forgot to keep still. He could taste himself since earlier, a hint of menthol from the cigarette he’d nicked from Faith on his last break, and the strong coffee he’d been chugging to keep himself awake during the last hour of paperwork. But underneath that was the clean taste of Liam, slightly salty from the couple of drops of precum that had managed to slip out before Spike got his lips on him. He loved how fast Liam got hard when excited, now he’d pulled back on the drinking. Like a bloody teenager, from limp to the bloody Eiffel Tower in a few seconds flat. And he really loved that he was the one doing it to Liam. That just the prospect of Spike’s mouth on his cock was enough for it to jump up, ready and eager.

He slipped Liam’s cock out of his mouth, loving the bitten off curse and whimper that produced, closing his fist around the wet shaft, before Liam started to protest in earnest, then ducked his head to fit Liam’s balls in his mouth. It was, literally, a mouthful. He could hardly breathe as they filled up every space in his mouth, his nose pressed to the root of Liam’s dick. Then he slowly started moving his tongue, wetting the thin skin until it was slipping easily in his mouth with every lick. With his eyes closed he listened to Liam’s ragged breathing, felt Liam’s thighs tremble under his hands, ignoring the drool leaking out of the corners of his stretched lips. When he felt Liam’s balls pull tight in his mouth and heard Liam gasp and whimper above him Spike, for one brief moment contemplated pulling away before deciding to just let it happen. Jizz landed on his neck, in his hair, a few drops even slid under his collar and down his back before the last ones dribbled over his hand, still gripping Liam’s dick. Spike carefully released Liam’s balls from his mouth, let go of Liam’s dick and brought his hand down to lick it clean. Then rested his head on Liam’s trembling thigh, eyes closed as he slowly got his breath back. He heard Liam whisper, “Fuck,” sounding wrecked. Then his fingers landed on Spike’s head, slid down through his hair and to his neck, rubbing the thick substance lovingly in. Spike sighed, nuzzling Liam’s groin with his nose.

“We need to get you cleaned up,” Liam finally said, his voice quiet.

“Mhmm,” Spike hummed. His body felt heavy where it sat wedged in between Liam’s thighs. He could easily fall asleep, right here. Getting up to take a shower seemed like way too much work.

“You’ve got spunk in your hair,” Liam pointed out. He sounded affectionately amused. “Come on.” He stood up, pulling Spike with him, then kicked his pants off before half-carrying Spike into the bathroom. “Take your shirt off, we can just clean you up with the shower head.”

Spike was too tired to do much but lean over the bathtub and let Liam wash out his hair, then rub it dry. “Was amazing, by the way,” Liam said as he led Spike to the bed. “Not just what you did with your mouth but, fuck, seeing you covered head down in my spunk? Jesus. Almost made me come again.”

“Yeah?” Spike smiled at him sleepily.

“Yeah. And you did that deliberately which is just…” Liam visibly swallowed. “Have I told you lately that I fucking love you?”

“Don’t remember there being profanity in that song,” Spike said, grinning when Liam slapped him lightly. “And yeah, you have. Doesn’t hurt to hear it again though, luv,” he added as Liam slipped into bed.

Liam pulled him in until Spike was wedged into his armpit, head on his shoulder. “I fucking love you, Will,” he said, kissing Spike on his head. “And I would be showing you just how much, right now, if you weren’t about to fall asleep.”

“And if you could actually get it up again,” Spike teased, snorting when Liam huffed. “Don’t need sex to show me,” he added when they had been quiet for a while, and he could feel sleep about to drag him under. “Show me every day, luv, just by being you.”

“Sap.” Liam kissed the top of his head. “You too.”

Spike smiled, eyes closing.

“Could have lost you,” Liam whispered after a while, probably thinking Spike was already asleep. “Couldn’t bear it. Not again.”

“Not going anywhere, luv,” Spike mumbled. “Promise.”

Liam just kissed him again but didn’t say anything.

Spike blinked his eyes open with considerable effort and turned until he could kiss Liam properly. “How about this?” he said gently. “No matter what happens, I promise you, I will always do my very best to come back to you. Always. Alright, luv?”

Liam reached up, stroking his thumb over Spike’s cheek. “Alright.”

“And?” Spike prodded, raising one eyebrow.

“And I promise you the same,” Liam said, eyes open and earnest. “Always.”

Spike kissed him again. “That’s settled then,” he said and snuggled up on Liam’s chest. “Now stop worrying.”

Liam wrapped an arm around Spike’s shoulders, pulling him tight. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up and go to sleep.”

Spike hummed and closed his eyes. Whatever the future might bring, he wasn’t worried. They’d deal with it together. Because this was it. There was no doubt in his mind anymore, no fear. Under Spike’s ear Liam’s heart beat a steady rhythm, while the slow rising and falling of Liam’s chest gently rocked him to sleep.


And that's it!! Hope it wasn't disappointing, if anyone has actually been waiting 16 years for this. Sad note, I know at least one who was but she passed away a few years ago. Hope you get Wi-Fi, sweetie, wherever you are. The rest of you, if anyone actually is reading, thanks for your patience and please, if you finished, I'd love a kudos if only to know I didn't write 40K of Spangel (AU), 16 years late, only for myself, lol. Even if it was highly satisfying to actually finish this.

genre: au human, fic 2023, pairing: spike/lindsey, fic, pairing: spike/angel, the fire within, pairing: spike/angel/lindsey, btvs/ats fic

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